Zygor Alliance & Horde World of Warcraft Leveling & Dailies Guides Review

Yes Zygor Guide! I use this ALL the time. One of my good buddies introduced me too it , and i can say that it makes leveling in this game, effin easy!

First, installing the guide is super easy with the installer program. Once you login to play , getting started is just as simple. Now I have personally used this addon to level a Dranei Warrior to level 60 and a Dranei Priest to level 70. Man I really could have used this a while back when i was trying to level up my Night Elf Druid.

It's gotta a new waypoint feature, which ultimately makes Zygor the best choice when it comes to leveling the best leveling addon you can get. If you were like me when WoW first came out , we had to Alt+Tab in and out of the game to look at websites to figure out a quest. Guess what ? With Zygor no more of that BS! The waypoint system literally takes you right to your objectives and back to the quest giver so you dont waste anymore time. Honestly this is one of the best features of the addon, especially if your a n00b! You wont get lost in an unfamiliar world, you'll also find that you complete your quests a lot faster . Zygor groups stuff intelligently, and you end up with some good faction scores to boot


Also the Zygor guide has a talent advisor, So if your completely clueless on where to put your points as you level, Zygor can show you where to add them .

Seriously Zygor kicks ASS, most people that I've chatted with loves it and ends up leveling up faster then you can say WoW , and if history repeats itself like I KNOW IT WILL, You'll love it and level up faster as well, Sincerely this Guide is absolutely amazing ..Like I was saying you can get this by click here or the link below!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Free Pre-Paid Game Cards From Amazon.com


It does.  What server are you on and what is your main toon?  To everyone here I do not recommend you go to this site until the owner contacts me privately with more proof.  If I do not hear a reply within a "reasonable" amount of time I will be removing this user.

List Owner

hi you can play world of warcraft for free. i went to this web site that lets you get pre-paid game time buy just filling out 3 surveys. i know it seems like a scam but it really works. icould not afford to pay any more so i had to find a way to play i am addicted to the darn game lol. well the pre-paid cards come from amazon.com and they are 60- game cards if you want to try it then cool if you dont thats cool as well.
 here is the site. you have to register to start on getting your card it takes about 45 min. total but is more than worth it




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