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Fall of the Lich King
Here is a link to the patch 3.3 Fall of the Lich King mini-site
Written by Nick Fox
December 8, 2009 at 10:53 pm
Posted in Heroics, Instances, Leveling, Lore, Maintenance, Patches, Raiding, Raids, Wrath of the Lich King
Tagged with Arthas, fall of the lich king, forge of souls, halls of reflection, Icecrown, icecrown citadel, lich king, Patch, patch 3.3, pit of saron, World of Warcraft
Trial of the Crusader, in video!
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Sorry it has been so long since our last post! Both Mariana and I have started graduate school (both Ph.D programs) and have been extremely busy in the RL. That doesn't mean we've stopped playing WoW, however. Here are the boss kills of all 5 bosses in The Trial of the Crusader raid (Eau's POV), which can be found on the Argent Tournament grounds in Icecrown Glacier. Enjoy!
Written by Nick Fox
October 24, 2009 at 6:54 am
Posted in Achievements, Guild, Hunter, Instances, Lore, New Gear, Paladin, Priest, Raiding, Raids, Shaman, Wrath of the Lich King
100% More Cataclysmic!
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I just finished my first week of graduate school, and boy does it take up a lot of time! This weekend is really going to make me appreciate how relaxing the summer was. Now I am at Mariana's house, where I am trying to help her with her plight with pneumonia (Don't worry, she's on the road to recovery!) What this really means is that I am away from my mega-awesome PC and only have my laptop to play WoW. Well
.I tried that just now
.and I don't think I can play more than 5 minutes of 4 frames a second
oh well =P Now I have an excuse to write an exhaustive article about the Cataclysm announcement at Blizzcon 2009 and what it may mean for the future of World of Warcraft:
First, the backstory
Horde and Alliance are dealing with Arthas, the Lich King, in Northrend. He is a bad guy, and rightfully so, we are responding to his threat. Meanwhile, under the earth and in the Elemental Plane of Earth, Deathwing the Destroyer (previously known as Neltharion the Earth-Warder)
It is time for Deathwing's plans to take effect. With the mortal races locked in a battle with the Lich King at the gates of the Icecrown Citadel, Deathwing literally errupts from the Elemental Plane of Earth and rips through into the Physical Plane. This eruption destabilizes all of the elemental planes (the others are water, fire, and air) and looses many more elementals upon Azeroth.
The eruption also scars Azeroth forever. The powers of the Earth-Warder ripple through the planet, leaving huge gashes in places like the Barrens, sending the ocean into Darkshore and wrecking the Alliance town of Auberdine. Blackrock Spire erupts, changing the landscape and opening up a new base of operations for the Twilight Cultists. Other places, like Desolace, benefit from the Cataclysm: It's shoreline wrecked, water floods in and lay down the foundation for a more fertile land.
Finally, an entrance is made to Deathwing's hiding place in the Plane of Earth. Called "Deepholm", adventurers will be able to venture into Neltharion's home and take the battle to his sanctuary. On the Physical Plane, Deathwing took up residence in Grim Batol, along with his Twilight Cultist followers.
The Future
So now that the world is ruined, what should we expect? Well for one, the feud between the Horde and Alliance will ramp up. Orgrimmar will be outfitted with better armor (a lot more steel), Southshore will be taken over by the Horde, and Zoram Strand in Ashenvale will get bigger and more armored.
The level 1-60 leveling experience will also get a face lift, being made friendlier and more streamlined to avoid having to figure out which zone to go to at which level
the quests should have a feeling of more flow from zone to zone. Also, some zones you know as level 20 zones will become level 40 zones. This goes for all the zones: their monster and questing levels may be changing.
Did I mention flying mounts in Azeroth? They are going to be remapping both continents in order to have a fully fleshed out landscape that will allow flying anywhere. this means you can fly from Undercity to Booty Bay on your own mount and still get there in 14 minutes or however long it takes to fly that stupidly far distance. Places like Undercity and Orgrimmar are getting updated to look better from the top, as in the case of both cities, a wall in the front blocks the view so the designers didn't ever design what it would look like from the sky.
New Zones
There will be seven new zones in Cataclysm: Gilneas, The Lost Isles, Mount Hyjal, Uldum, Twilight Highlands, Deepholm, and The Sunken City of Vashj'ir.
Gilneas and The Lost Isles are the starting areas for Worgen and Goblins, respectively (i'll talk about them in a few moments).
Mount Hyjal is in trouble, again. This time, Ragnaros, released from the Elemental Plane of Fire (and apparently really really pissed off about dying in Molten Core) is out trying to destroy the world tree by way of inferno. He is at his full power now, showing you that once and for all, Molten Core was merely a setback.
Uldum is a Titan compound in the desert south of tanaris. Apparently, a giant Titan cloaking machine was used to hide Uldum (but they missed the door with the elite's hanging around it?
.) but said device broke when Deathwing ripped Azeroth asunder. Titan cloaking machinery isn't what it used to be I guess. Rumor has it there is some Titan super weapon in the desert of Uldum, and everyone is out to get it
including you!
Twilight Highlands will include Grim Batol and be the hangout place for Deathwing and the Twilight Cultists. It will encompass the area northeast of the current Wetlands. It will also be a level 85 zone. (What? level 85? I'll also talk about that in a few moments)
Deepholm is the original hiding place for Deathwing in the Elemental Plane of Earth. Expect Old God influence down here close to the center of the world, where the Old God's are locked up. I would also expect Earth Elementals and lots of nature resistant monsters.
Finally, The Sunken City of Vashj'ir will be a sunken night elf city underneath the Maelstrom. There will be underwater combat and underwater instances. It will also include the instance to the Elemental Plane of Water, which will be a whirlpool at the bottom of the ocean you have to get sucked into. Why it is named after Lady Vashj, handmaiden to the night elf Queen Azshara, we may never know. As far as I know, Lady Vashj is still hanging out in Serpent Shrine Cavern out in Zangarmarsh
New Races
The Cataclysm affected more than just what we knew. The Goblin island of Kezan got rocked hard when their island volcano started spewing liquid hot magma, so they fled. One particular cartel had their boat shipwrecked upon The Lost Isles, a group of islands between Kezan and Kalimdor. Throughout the starting zone for the Goblins, you will go from neutral to finding refuge with the Horde in nearby Orgrimmar.
At the same time Kezan's volcanos were exploding, earthquakes were knocking down the Greymane Wall in southern Silverpine Forest. What lay behind the wall was unexpected (well, the community expected it, but lorewise, completely unexpected!)
Increased level cap
Forget that +10 levels per expansion set you were taught back with Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King
only 5 new levels are being added this time around with a level cap increase to 85. Blizzard says this is because they wanted to focus more on revamping the entire world and also honing their focus on endgame. Obviously they want to get more into storytelling at the level cap, so the more people who can get to the level cap and actually listen to their story, the happier they will be. Questions like "will heirlooms still work in the expansion?" have yet to be answered
New Raids and Instances
Blizzard has said they will release Cataclysm with 8 heroics and 4 raids for level 85 players. Of these 8 heroic instances, 2 will be revamped old world instances: Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep. The other 6 will be in the new zones that are being added. I can see the reasoning behind making heroic Shadowfang Keep, with Archmage Aurgal and his connection to the Worgen Curse, but I think heroic Deadmines is just for the fans who wanted more VanCleef. If they give Horde a flightpath in Westfall, I'll be happy about this heroic.
Comment your thoughts/opinions!
Written by Nick Fox
August 29, 2009 at 5:03 am
Posted in Achievements, Class Balance, Guild, Heroics, Instances, Leveling, Lore, Maintenance, Patches, Raiding, Raids, Talents, cataclysm
Tagged with Blood Elf, Burning Blade, cataclysm, Darnassus, Deathwing, Deepholm, Draenei, Dwarf, Elemental Plane of Earth, Elemental Plane of Fire, Elemental Plane of Water, Elemental Plane of Wind, Exodar, Gilneas, Gnome, Goblins, Human, Ironforge, Mount Hyjal, Night Elf, Orc, orgrimmar, Silvermoon City, Stormwind, Tauren, The Lost Isles, Thunder Bluff, troll, Twilight Cultists, Twilight Highlands, Undead, Undercity, Worgen, World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King
Response to Blizzcon 2009
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So before I even start, I just want to say this entire post is my (Nick Fox's) opinion ONLY! Mariana has other opinions and I'll let her post them.
Blizzcon 2009 was last Friday and Saturday, and we saw the offical announcement of the third expansion set "World of Warcraft: Cataclysm". I'm very excited about this. Now, I didn't attend blizzcon nor did I buy the $40 direcTV or online stream of the convention, but I did follow a few live blogs from the convention floor and I have been watching the panels for free on youtube now.
My first impression of this expansion set: AWESOME.
My second impression of this expansion set: WOW I'M NOT IMPRESSED WITH GOBLINS.
Seriously blizzard
Goblins? The one dimentional new yorker rip was funny for the occasional blimp ride or vendor in booty bay
but now I have to share my cities with them? Yuck. Now, I think their lore is okay, and I know some people don't like the "there are neutral goblins and now there are Horde only goblins" and I know there are also Deathwing only goblins (they're there, read "War of the Ancients" trilogy), but I can look past all of that and see these poor, islandless islanders looking for a home. And c'mon, they're green, orcs are green, some undead have green hues in their skin, and some trolls are also green
they fit right in!
Worgens on the other hand
.completely awesome. Between the old timey Jekyll and Hyde feeling of Gilneas (fitting) and the ability to switch between human and worgen form out of combat
it's all great. Alliance get a sweet new city, and Horde possibly get a ruined Undermine, but probably not, since the Isle of Kezan isn't even one of the zones being introduced
Now when it comes to old world Azeroth getting offically messed up, I'm very happy. There are only a few portions of a few zones that I really like
and even if I don't like the new cataclysm'ed zones, I'm really happy Blizzard is taking a bold step in terms of map reforging. MMO's by definition are an evolving world, so things you knew five years ago, shouldn't stay the same just to stay the same. Sometimes, a huge, angry, black dragon aspect rips through the very fabric of your mortal plane and tears the world asunder. It happens, and if you don't like it, play single player and don't get the downloadable content! I am especially happy as a Horde member to finally take Southshore for ourselves (see our pre-Blizzcon wishlist) and that the Alliance town in Darkshore gets completely ruined. My Horde heart swells with joy! Plus, Orgrimmar gets steel!
Better get Loremaster and The Explorer titles now before everything changes!
Written by Nick Fox
August 24, 2009 at 4:53 am
Posted in Personal, cataclysm
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (?) POSSIBLE SPOILERS
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This is quoted from the Something Awful forums and http://mmo-champion
"Azeroth is changed completely. Some zones are completely destroyed, some are shattered, some are flooded (Thousand Needles), some are ripped in half. Coastlines the world over are changed. Durotar is wrecked, along with Orgrimmar, which is torn in two. A new orc city is rebuilt over the course of the expansion. Gnomes retake Gnomeregan in an instance.
Malfurion comes back and helps activate the new Guardian of Tirisfal Thrall. Thrall hands over leadership of Horde to Garrosh Hellscream while Thrall serves as a coordinator for both Horde and Alliance forces and players to combat the Naga and Black Dragonflight. Garrosh declares open war on the Alliance, and you can expect more Wintergrasp like areas on the old map. Due to some political manipulations, Cairne Bloodhoof gets painted as a betrayer and is murdered by Garrosh. Cairne's son takes over as Tauren chief.
For Worgen, the Cataclysm brings the Greymane wall down, revealing their secret that the worgen curse has ravaged the kingdom. They've managed to find a cure that keeps their human mind permanently but also keeps them in their worgen form. Seeing that they can no longer survive alone, the worgen residents of Gilneas rejoin the Alliance.
As for Goblins, Deathwing calls on the goblins as slaves like he has in the past. Their leader decides to go with Deathwing and enslaves his people because there's no crossing Deathwing and surviving. Fortunately, a large group manages to escape and join the Horde, knowing that they can't go it alone. See the pattern here?
The level cap is 85. New landmasses include islands that are raised as a result of the cataclysm, underwater zones, and the newly-redone old-world zones. Flying mounts will be useable in Azeroth. Many old-world dungeons are changed completely.
Half the point of Cataclysm is to remake the old quest lines, eliminate redundancy and give an overall narrative to all players, whether level 1 or 80. At any particular vanilla area, you can expect to see reconstruction/
Leveling from 80-85 will be a MUCH bigger deal. Initially in 2008, they considered not raising the level cap at all, as making those quests takes a lot of manpower away from raiding content. But they are trying to make the story so grand and sweeping that ding'ing will actually MEAN something and not just be something you do.
Expect a couple of underwater cities to be on the backs of giant sea turtles and whales.
Make no mistake, the Old God content is not done. Since Netharion and Azshara both have ties to Old Gods, it is now clear that the SERIES wide antagonists of WoW are the Old Gods."
Written by Nick Fox
August 15, 2009 at 3:15 am
Posted in Class Balance, Leveling, Lore, Raids
Tagged with Alliance, Azeroth changing, Azshara, Cairne Bloodhoof, cataclysm, Deathwing, durotar, Garrosh Hellscream, gnomeregan, gnomes, Goblin, Guardian of Tirisfal, Horde, Human Hunter, Malfurion, New expansion, Night Elf Mage, Old Gods, Orc Mage, orgrimmar, thousand needles, Thrall, Troll Druid, undermine, Wintergrasp, Worgen, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft Cataclysm
Additional Instances cannot be launched.
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This picture was taken before patch 3.2, but I think we can all understand the frustration that is going on. And this wasn't even in Northrend
IT'S GNOMEREGAN! I was trying to get some engineering pet recipes that night
and I didn't get in for over half of an hour. /sigh /sigh /yawn.
This has gotten even worse since patch 3.2 has hit and emblems of conquest have been dropping from heroics. On our server (Burning Blade-US), we have had very long waits at the new 'door boss' but luckily no raids have been effected. Other servers have not been so lucky, with these epic door bosses now keeping 10 and 25 member raids from entering Naxxramas.
I've already seen plenty of screenshots of chats with GMs. They are all pretty much the same: some QQ from a player and some 'we are aware of this problem' from the GM. Most players just want some more servers, but the GMs and CMs like to tell us its more work than just inserting a new RAM card into our PCs. Well, thanks for being specific Blizzard!
Leave a comment about how you've been dealing with this problem!
Written by Nick Fox
August 13, 2009 at 10:56 pm
Posted in Drama, Game Masters and In-Game Tickets, Heroics, Instances, Maintenance, Raiding
Tagged with additional instances cannot be launched, Heroics, Instances, queue, Raids, World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King
Patch 3.2 goes live today!
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So, I should have made this post earlier
PATCH 3.2 HITS LIVE SERVERS TODAY! What will you do first? I know I'll probably try the new BG, then go to the argent tournament and see what is new over there. Oh, I'll have to play with my new shaman totem bar as well
hhmmm excitement awaits!
Enjoy the patch!
Written by Nick Fox
August 4, 2009 at 4:12 pm
Posted in Patches, Wrath of the Lich King
The Lore of Ulduar
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WordPress has this nifty option to let its bloggers check what keywords people searched for when stumbling upon our website. One of the searches that caught my attention was "The Story Behind Ulduar." I thought it would be fun to write an article about the lore of Ulduar, that way, next time someone searches wordpress for something like that, they'll really find what they were looking for!
To fully understand what Ulduar is all about, a little bit of titan lore is needed:
Titans have always existed, and the thing they loved (and still love) to do most was travel the universe and spruce up planets in order for them to support life: both sentient and not so sentient. They didn't straight up terraform planets, but rather nurse those that have all the required elements into a better state so that life could exist more comfortably. Azeroth was one of these target planets, but before the titans even got there, primordial gods waged war and claimed total control of the young planet. When the titans arrived, they decided it was time for the Old Gods to go, but they couldn't just kill them and get on with their plan. Unfortunately for everyone, the fate of the Old Gods was tied directly to the fate of Azeroth itself: they die, the planet dies. That was something the titans would totally not stand for. So, the next best thing to do, obviously, was to lock all the Old Gods up inside the planet, never to escape again. Ulduar was a containment facility for one such Old God. This Old God was Yogg-Saron, the God of Death, and the Beast of a Thousand Maws. This facility was guarded by four 'watchers'. These watchers were Hodir, Thorim, Freya, and Mimiron. Above them in command was Thorim's brother, Loken, who was declared the supreme designate for the Ulduar complex. With the security set up and the planet nice and cozy, the titans split for another planet
Tens of thousands of years past since these events. Sentient races such as the humans, night elves, dwarves and tauren sprang up all over the planet. However, the Old Gods never forgot the power they once had, and tried to regain the planet back for themselves in any way they could. Yogg-Saron was able to secretly influence key moments in Azeroth's history: The assassination of King Llane by the half-orc Garona and the forging of the Demon Soul and the utter destruction caused by it through the Black Dragon Aspect (now known as Deathwing). Yogg-Saron was also able to corrupt the mind of Loken, the master guardsman of the Ulduar complex. Through time, he was able to manipulate Loken to betray the titan leadership and work exclusively for the Old God. With Loken in his pocket, Yogg-Saron was able to corrupt the other four watchers.
At the end of Halls of Lightning, adventurers such as yourself square off aganist Loken himself. When he dies, he tells you that his death heralds the end of the world. So what exactly does that mean? Well
.the titans knew Yogg-Saron was clever and may try to escape or kill his captors. It was set up so that Loken's death would send out an emergency distress call out to the titans. Pretty much a 'HEY! THE HEAD OF YOUR SECURITY IS DEAD AND YOGG-SARON MAY BE ON THE LOOSE!' The titan response to this message is a messenger named Algalon. It is his duty to travel to Azeroth and perform a full biopsy of the situation and diagnose the planet's situation. He is cold and calculating. If titan defenses have suffered enough damage and threat of Old God release is significant, he will tell the titans to 'reoriginate' the planet. Read: kill everything and start over. Well, you like being alive and have to stop algalon's message at all costs. Right? RIGHT!
Once you are able to whittle away Algalon's life within sixty minutes, he will come to his senses and see that, like all cold and calculating characters must at some point, sometimes things that do not compute are worth saving! He gives you, the advendurers, the Return Code: Alpha. That is the signal back to the titans that basically says 'Everything is cool here. No need to blow up this cute little planet.' You bring the message to Rhonin in Dalaran and shoot the message from a floating message gun in Dalaran. Crisis offically averted.
Written by Nick Fox
July 30, 2009 at 5:03 am
Posted in Instances, Lore, Wrath of the Lich King
Lorefail, Vistafail and Game Fuel(win?)
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So the summer has been in full swing and the blog posts have become few and far between. Sorry! Since the last post, I have gotten a new Windows PC (Vista [grumble], 8gig RAM, GeForce 9800 GTX x2 SLI'ed, intel quad core) and settled into my new apartment here in Tucson, AZ. Things have been good in WoW as well
my Orc Shaman is now level 73 and going on strong to 74 tonight.
What this post really is about, however, is the lack of thought that goes into our game. Take this as a prime example: As I was questing in south-central Dragonblight, I noticed a strange thing
a big, battered, mostly destroyed Titan bridge. It is the very southern tip of the Path of the Titans. So why is this so strange? I mean, it looks cool and all, but here is the problem: The titans built all their shit over 10,000 years ago, before The Sundering, when the world had one big Pangea-like land mass. At the end of the War of the Ancients, the Well of Eternity exploded and destroyed most of the central land mass of Azeroth. What was left was 3 main land masses Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, and Northrend, with various other islands dotted about.
why is there a titan bridge extending south when, at the time the titans built their road, there was a land mass there and no need for a bridge? Now okay, I can write it off as "I guess there was a big lake or something that was the very northern edge of The Sundering's damage, and so, since there was a big lake, the titans built a bridge over it"
. C'mon Blizzard
you should think of your timelines when creating this stuff! Surely someone had to have known about this in the creation of this titan bridge!
I had two screenshots all set up for this small development annoyance, but when I went to go find them, the SS's were nowhere to be found. After searching the internet for a few moments, I came to the answer. Apparently, Windows Vista needs you to right click the WoW icon, and 'run as administrator' in order to take and save screenshots. What the heck is that? Are the screenshots going to implant the Conflicker virus into my system and eventually blow up my motherboard? -=sigh=- Windows Vista, you never cease to amaze me.
However, all of this can be overlooked due to the blinding red aura that has been seeping out of my fridge the past few hours. Aganist all better judgement, I went and bought my first MTN DEW GAME FUEL today. For the Horde flavor, as I bet you would suspect. Here is a picture of its intoxicating presence:
I haven't tried it yet, but if its unnatural color is any indication of its flavor, I suspect I am in for the time of my life!
That is all for now, go out and enjoy your lore!
Written by Nick Fox
July 20, 2009 at 3:45 am
Posted in Alts, Personal, Wrath of the Lich King
And There Were Two (Shamans)
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Things have been pretty hectic recently: I relocated to Arizona from New York, built all the furnature in my new apartment thanks to Ikea, etc. Now the shaman bug has hit me in a big way, but as I stared at the back of my level 80 tauren, I couldn't help but feel bad. I just absolutely hate Tauren. I hate having to look at a hairy mound of a head, and not having closed shoes, and walking like i'm on the moon, and having huge ugly shields, and sitting off center on dragon mounts
its just all so terrible.
So now I have rerolled a shaman, to be leveled to 80 and spec'ed to Restoration. Just like my tauren shaman, but a lot less ugly.
There's the ol' Vargroth!
I am so happy that I made the change to orc
and I am also happy I have 2 weeks of Midsummer Fire Festival summer pole xp bonus coming up
currently I am level 22, but with some help from Eau running me through SM Cath a few times every day, I think i'll be 80 pretty quick!
~Nick Fox
Written by Nick Fox
June 22, 2009 at 7:39 pm
Posted in Alts, Leveling, New Gear, Personal, Wrath of the Lich King
Mariana Nick Fox
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Zygor Alliance & Horde World of Warcraft Leveling & Dailies Guides Review
Yes Zygor Guide! I use this ALL the time. One of my good buddies introduced me too it , and i can say that it makes leveling in this game, effin easy!
First, installing the guide is super easy with the installer program. Once you login to play , getting started is just as simple. Now I have personally used this addon to level a Dranei Warrior to level 60 and a Dranei Priest to level 70. Man I really could have used this a while back when i was trying to level up my Night Elf Druid.
It's gotta a new waypoint feature, which ultimately makes Zygor the best choice when it comes to leveling the best leveling addon you can get. If you were like me when WoW first came out , we had to Alt+Tab in and out of the game to look at websites to figure out a quest. Guess what ? With Zygor no more of that BS! The waypoint system literally takes you right to your objectives and back to the quest giver so you dont waste anymore time. Honestly this is one of the best features of the addon, especially if your a n00b! You wont get lost in an unfamiliar world, you'll also find that you complete your quests a lot faster . Zygor groups stuff intelligently, and you end up with some good faction scores to boot
Also the Zygor guide has a talent advisor, So if your completely clueless on where to put your points as you level, Zygor can show you where to add them .
Seriously Zygor kicks ASS, most people that I've chatted with loves it and ends up leveling up faster then you can say WoW , and if history repeats itself like I KNOW IT WILL, You'll love it and level up faster as well, Sincerely this Guide is absolutely amazing ..Like I was saying you can get this by click here or the link below!
Monday, January 18, 2010
[World_of_Warcraft_List] More Cataclysm stuph
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