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This FAQ was originally part of my warrior sticky, I think it's better off in a thread of its own though...
Feel free to comment, or to propose additional questions that should be answered in here.
Who's Pat? Does he own? Why do warriors whine when they can be as good as him?
Pat was a warrior once. He recorded this movie.
He has tons of buffs, 5 healers backing him up, and is exploiting a talent bug where it was possible to distribute 52 talent points, getting both MS and Death Wish - before the attack power normalization, and with a rank 14 sword. Basically, no, this is not a warrior you can meet in the BGs anymore, and even when you could, it was only for a short time.
Please don't post this movie every other week, no you don't tell us anything new if you do :)
Do you have an item list for warriors?
There's a really good list at http://69.41.
If I want to DW, is it better to have fast or slow weapons?
There are points that speak for both of these. Let's have a look at the main hand first:
- Slow main: Weapon-based attacks like cleave, whirlwind and overpower do quite good damage. Choice of many, PvP preference.
- Fast main: You can spam cleave and HS much faster when you want to dump rage. And since you'll do lots of attacks, your enemy will dodge often, thus you can overpower a lot. PvE preference if you're not scared of overnuking a lot.
Keep in mind as well that your offhand does only 50% of its damage (up to 67.5% with talents - 50% * 125%), so you should probably have the higher DPS weapon in the main hand if they're not equally good.
For the off hand, we'll need some math first. We crit equally often with the main hand as we do with the off hand, same for specials. So whenever we have a main hand swing, we look at the last 3 swings and look if any of them was a crit. Since all kinds of swings have the same crit ratio, the equation for that is:
1 - ((1 - crit%)^3) = 57.8%
So this speaks for the off hand speed not being important for flurries, and we should have a look at the other points below. It is actually correct that for white damage alone, the off hand doesn't eat away flurries at all, as it produces exactly as many flurries as it takes away.
However, there is one thing we forgot so far: Instant attacks. These occur between hits, and with a slower off hand, it's more probable that they are closer to the main hand swings, thus giving more flurry charges to the main hand and not the off hand. If we use a special, that means that for the next 3 swings after an instant attack we don't take the 3 previous charges, but actually the 4 previous ones into account for our flurry calculations, making the flurry probability 68.3%.
So we can sum up, and add some other points:
- Slow off: Slightly more flurried main hand hits, bigger frontload in PvP (before your opponent moves away and you can't hit him anymore anyway)
- Fast off: More rage from Unbrindled Wrath, more overpower possibilities (since your enemy has a per-hit dodge ratio)
Generally though, speed doesn't matter that much. All those points are minor compared to the dps and stats of our weapons.
Is it better to concentrate on one talent tree or to spread out my points?
Concentration is a good thing here up to 31 points, since the endtree talents are pretty much worth it. More bang for the buck, so to say :)
Warriors who don't have any endtree talents do pretty fine in PvE, but have quite some troubles in PvP. To put it in the words of Roda:
Should DW warriors roll on daggers?
Seeing how DW warriors really benefit from fast weapons (given the right build and all), there's no real reason why they shouldn't.
Be sure you know what you do though. On one hand, there are skills for rogues that really require a dagger. They don't have any other option than using a dagger for these.
Warriors on the other hand have skills like unbrindled wrath, which really benefits from fast weapons - and since there are really few good fist weapons available, fast weapons pretty much equals daggers. Faster weapons also benefit more from skills like enrage and flurry than slower weapons, and quite a few daggers have +crit on them, which triggers flurry (and that in turn is a fury warrior's bread and butter, the one skill they really rely on almost all the time).
So, in the end, a rogue will most probably benefit a bit more from a good dagger than any warrior. But a DW warrior will benefit almost as much.
It's best to discuss this in your group and either agree with the rogues or let the group leader decide.
By the way, you might want to bring this up on your realm forums, since many rogues regard daggers as "rogue only weapons" and will call you a ninja for rolling on them. I did bring it up, have a look if you want.
[ Post edited by Agnesha ]
What about professions? Should I learn first aid?
Many warriors choose mining / blacksmithing as their primary professions - the choice is somewhat obvious, as you'll be able to craft your own weapons and armor. However, mining / engineering gives you nice trinkets for PvP, while herbalism / alchemy lets you produce your own rage potions and quite some other buffs. If you're afraid you won't have enough money, take two gathering professions and sell the goods in the auction house.
Every warrior should learn first aid. It reduces downtime a lot, and there are enough cloth drops to keep it up to date. Most warriors do have to wait for lvl 40 before they can improve their first aid skill beyond lvl 225 - simply because they use it that much.
Cooking and fishing are nice, cooking gives good buffs too. Not mandatory, but certainly something you should look into - cooking seems boring at first, but the benefits once you have it at 300 greatly outweight the levelling bore.
What are the best grinding spots for a warrior?
None. Don't grind your way to 60, you'll be expected to tank in endgame instances, and if you can't do that, you won't make many friends. And if you don't do instances, you can't learn.
Oh, and quests are fun anyway. If you grind your way from 1 to 60, you'll miss most of the game's content, the developers put really much work into making the quests enjoyable, and the stories behind them interesting. If you just grind, you have a rather dull game experience, and a game should be about fun, no?
If you still want to grind, or just want to grind to make some money, go find yourself some Ogres. They have nice caves (where you can mine, too), they drop cloth for your bandages, and they're all over the place. Nice and squishy, you'll just slice through them.
I have to add that this is my own point of view, and some warriors might disagree here.
What does the "block" value of my shield mean?
This is not the block proc rate, as most young warriors tend to think. It's how much damage your shield blocks. In addition to that, every 22 points of strength let you block an additional point, and there's +block items in endgame (for example, the 3 set might bonus gives +15 block value).
What is it with that DW miss rate? It's higher, right? How about +hit% items?
If you use a 1h or a 2h weapon, your base hit rate is 95% - you'll miss 5%. If you DW, this miss rate (with both hands) goes up to 24%. With +hit% items, you can bring this down to no misses at all, although you'll have to balance +hit with other stats. Generally, with DW, you should go for 6-7% +hit at least - miss streaks are fury warrior killers, and they're reduced exponentially with +hit.
The hit rate goes down if you hit higher-lvl mobs, up if you fight lower levels. This is due to a comparison of your weapon skill and the enemy's defense skill - every point of difference adds 0.04% misses.
How does taunt work?
The easy version: It causes just enough threat to place you on top of the damage list for a short time. Opinions differ about what happens next, the general consensus seems to be that if you generate additional threat during that time, it sticks, and you'll have to generate some threat percentage to still have the mob after the taunt debuff runs out.
Is there a list of relative hate values?
Yeah, although it isn't updated since 1.7 (and thus doesn't include the 1.11 shield slam):
And there's a good sticky on these very forums as well...
Should I go for improved HS with my fury build?
Depends. With a fast main hand weapon, this can make a lot of sense (although you may pull aggro off the main tank, since HS is a high-threat attack) - after all, here, HS is one of the main attacks. With a slow main hand though, it makes (still some, but) less sense - your main attacks will be bloodthirst and whirlwind, they're more damage/rage efficient. Taking 1 or 2 points can never hurt, but it isn't mandatory.
[ Post edited by Agnesha ]
What is "attack power normalization"?
Instant attacks are somewhat complicated. They're calculated based on weapon damage and attack power bonus. Since 1.8, the following weapon speeds are assumed for the attack power bonus:
Daggers: 1.7
Other one-hands: 2.3
Two-hands: 3.3
So, weapon speed no longer matters for instant attacks (namely overpower, whirlwind and MS), but weapon damage still does - this still makes slower 2h weapons superior to faster ones, just not by such a large margin. Bloodthirst is an instant attack as well, but doesn't rely on weapon damage, so there is no AP normalization at work for that one.
The formula for the average damage of 2h instants goes like:
Damage = (Weapon Speed * DPS) + (3.3 * (Attack Power / 14))
I charged, and my WoW broke, I'm always "out of range" when I try to attack now. What happened?
This is a well-known bug in the community. Sometimes when you charge a mob, your client will somehow be out of sync with the game server. Other players see you stand still, while you freely move around (if you don't see any mobs anywhere, this has most probably happened). This can be really annoying at times.
Charging another mob (or even a critter, thanks Grimmog) will put you back in sync, but that mob will have to be in front of your "server position" and within range. If you can't charge another mob, there's no other solution than logging out and back in. Or dying, whichever happens first.
Swordswing points out that the mob doesn't necessarily have to be in front of you, if you have a ranged weapon and ammo. If you are not facing the correct direction, but still try to shoot the mob, your character will (unless this has changed from last time I did it) turn towards the mob (though you will see yourself already facing it, but the server will think you are turning). You may have to click the shoot button a few times before having it in front of you, but once you no longer get interrupted for facing the wrong direction, cancel the shot and charge the mob instead..
How much rage do I generate exactly?
I haven't really veryfied this myself, but the formula seems to be...
Rage for damage done: Damage / (charLevel * 0.5)
Rage for getting hit: Damage / (charLevel * 1.5)
Note that you won't get any rage for hitting shields, or being hit while you're shielded.
In what order should I get my talents?
First off, get cruelty from fury. Yes it's that good, best talent in the lowest tier. Then you should probably go after tactical mastery in the arms tree - make sure you have at least 4 points in TM at lvl 30, when you get the berserker stance. After that, you're quite free to pick your talents wherever you want - thing is, it's better to stick to just one tree now, since the further you get in one, the better talents you unlock. Pick whatever you think is good, and don't be afraid to respec once or twice (although it does cost quite a bit of money). Fury does make a bit less sense though, even for DW, since the really good fury talents aren't available till lvl 50 if you don't want to gimp yourself and go without tactical mastery.
At lvl 40, you can consider respeccing. Since you'll have spread out your points now a bit, and you do want a 31 point talent, be it mortal strike, bloodthirst, or even shield slam. You can wait a few levels too if you want of course, but generally those instant attacks boost your DPS so much it's unreal.
About the levelling tree - it's not really great to level in protection. Since you'll be solo most of the time, or in small groups, and in the lower instances with some skill protection is everything but needed. It might help a bit, but tanking with one level or two above the recommended level helps more than any prot talents ever will. Both fury and arms though make real sense, pick whichever you like better.
If you have an endgame build in mind already, go towards it, but be open to change - nothing can replace your first-hand experience when it comes to talents :)
How should I enchant my tanking weapon?
There is mainly one option: +15 agility. It doesn't only give you dodge and crit, but also a tiny bit of armor, all of which are tanking stats.
If you don't want to use a weapon only for tanking but for grinding / dps / PvP, a crusader is probably a better option - particularly while you're soloing or PvPing the added healing makes it better, together with the nice AP boost. The added block value from a crusader proc is neglectable though.
[ Post edited by Agnesha ]
blog: http://www.haslo.
tank: http://klikk.
lock: http://klikk.
too low!
Great work! ^_^
now.. let's hope that the sticky isn't to far off ^^
Gear Dependant
Blue - Please sticky!
OP - please add BT to instant attacks :)
Know thyself...?
I'm a bald power crystal!
BT is independent of weapon speed, and weapon anyway, that's why I didn't add it. Changed now though, to make it clearer - thanks :)
[ Post edited by Agnesha ]
blog: http://www.haslo.
fury: http://klikk.
lock: http://klikk.
Hi Agnesha! I found this with som old documents, it is an old begining to a FAQ I wrote but never had time to finnish, so take it for what it is and maybe you can extract some useful information from there!
I consider my self an amateur of Warrior-knowledge, but some would say I knew plenty to go around. I feel after watching this forums for about a year, that it is like watching the 17 th re-run of episode 119 of Simpsons. We as "oldies" in the game get fed up with the same questions constantly, and sure it's nice to have a minute in the spotlight showing off your knowledge about your class, but after doing it for the 10 th time it gets kind of boring. There are warriors better experienced then me that taught me more about this class and lectured me about my "silly" questions, in addition there are definitely warriors better equipped then me. However I have in addition to lectures from these forums educated my self to a wide extent about the Warrior class, as I believe any serious gamer should. We will see if we can get a sticky on this thread so we can gather all this repeatedly asked questions into a general warrior F.A.Q so in addition to save space in this forums for real issues and concerns we can also save time to deal with the same.
Warrior's European F.A.Q
1. Builds.
1.1 Q: What is the best levelling build?
A (Pfenix): Of course there is no absolute truth to this question, but there are a couple of viable builds for levelling up a warrior. One of the best is the cookie-cutter build/MS-build. The definition of this kind of build is that you invest at least 31 talent points in the Arms tree to get the talent Mortal Strike. Generally the traditional MS-Build is 31/20/0, that means 31 talent points invested in the Arms tree, 20 invested in the fury tree and 0 invested in the protection tree.
1.2 Q: Where should I spend my first talent points?
A (Pfenix): The most powerful talent we have (in tier 1) is without a doubt "Cruelty" in the fury tree, so you are set for your first 5 talent points. The second most powerful talent we have is "Tactical Mastery" (tier 2) in the arms tree. So when in doubt aim for these 2 talents to begin with.
1.3 Q: What is the best build for PVP?[i]
A (Pfenix): Again there is no absolute answer to this question. But I can give you some general advice of when your build would be viable. PVP for a warrior is all about burst damage, meaning dealing massive amount of damage during a short period of time. What you can say in general is that to be able to deal out burst damage you want a high percentage chance to get a critical strike, and that goes for whatever build you want to use. The build most people use for PVP is the MS-build, because this grants you the chance to specialize in the kind of weapon you are using granting you a higher chance to deal burst damage (except for a mace specialization)
1.3.1 [i]But I want to go Dual-Wield in PVP!
A (Pfenix): DW spec is certainly not out of the question for PVP, but DW spec means that you are highly gear dependant, much more then you think. If you were to compare a common weapon such as The Unstoppable Force, with a MS build warrior with 800 Attack power with a DW spec warrior with the same Attack power, the potential for burst damage would be the following (best case scenario, not Enraged, excluding Deep wounds):
MS-spec (crit with TUF): 1018 damage
DW-spec (crit with 800 AP): 720 damage
For the same burst damage potential with fury/DW in this case your AP needs to go up, way up. 1130 AP would grant the same burst damage with DW-spec and Bloodthirst. Of course there are other things to take into consideration, this example only takes into consideration a "unbuffed" crit with no modifiers of a Mortal strike attack versus a Bloodthirst attack.
2. Crit/hit/AP/
General information:
20 Agility = 1 % Crit/1 % dodge/40 Armor
1 Weapon skill = 0,04% to hit/crit
25 Weapon skill = 1% to hit
1 Strength = 2 Attack power
14 Attack power = 1 DPS
1 Stamina = 10 health
Weapon skill increases with 5 each level.
Chance to hit (2-h) and with Special attacks = 95 %
Chance to hit (DW) = 76%
Thanks Pfenix, certainly a valuable addition :)
Since it's still pretty high up in the thread I guess it won't be any use if I include it in my posts, it's visible here as well, I hope you're OK with that?
blog: http://www.haslo.
fury: http://klikk.
lock: http://klikk.
Sure, it is fine mate. I whish I had more time to write a more complete F.A.Q, but you know how it is... between work and WOW there is only so much time...
They change that first aid quest some time ago. So you can do it at 35 lvl now.
Which boots r better to tanking according to u and why between Boots of avoidance and Master Cannoneer Boots...?
Thx and thx again for the usefull topic
Hm, are you sure? When I levelled my warlock a month or two back, I wasn't able to get the quest at lvl 38 and 39 (I looked)...
Good question, but I think this would be better suited in a new thread - I'd be inclined to say the Boots of Avoidance, but it depends on how much health you have already without them...
My suggestion is: Try getting a group for The Calling in Silithus (the boss there, it's PUGgable with 2 tanks and 4-6 healers, plus 20ish DPS) - you get really nice tanking boots from that quest, the Crystal Encrusted Greaves.
[ Post edited by Agnesha ]
blog: http://www.haslo.
fury: http://klikk.
lock: http://klikk.
Since a like PvP very much i was thinking to change my full prot spec to a DPS spec like fury or arms...for example an arms spec to maximize 2H weapons (i have an arcanite reaper in my bank).
Do u think that a talent spec like 31/5/15 still allows me to tank in raids like ZG, MC or AQ?
Obviously wearing a tank gear...
And other u think that the Dal Rend Sacred Charger-Dal Rend Tribe Protector set is a good choice for DW fighting?
You can tank without any points at protection tree in those places. 31/5/15 isn't that good for pvp, i'd go for 31/20, since enrage is just that good.
The dal-rend swords are decent for dw fury, but u will need very good gear, so imo if u have an arcanite reaper, use that instead with a MS-build.
yes, i'm sure. I done that quest about 1 week ago with my shaman. But to get the quest you need to have exactly 225 first aid skill/ Also some confirmations in comments on thott http://thottbot.
And on Allakhazam http://wow.allakhaz
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Friday, January 22, 2010
[World_of_Warcraft_List] World of Warcraft (en) Forums -> Warrior FAQ
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