Zygor Alliance & Horde World of Warcraft Leveling & Dailies Guides Review

Yes Zygor Guide! I use this ALL the time. One of my good buddies introduced me too it , and i can say that it makes leveling in this game, effin easy!

First, installing the guide is super easy with the installer program. Once you login to play , getting started is just as simple. Now I have personally used this addon to level a Dranei Warrior to level 60 and a Dranei Priest to level 70. Man I really could have used this a while back when i was trying to level up my Night Elf Druid.

It's gotta a new waypoint feature, which ultimately makes Zygor the best choice when it comes to leveling the best leveling addon you can get. If you were like me when WoW first came out , we had to Alt+Tab in and out of the game to look at websites to figure out a quest. Guess what ? With Zygor no more of that BS! The waypoint system literally takes you right to your objectives and back to the quest giver so you dont waste anymore time. Honestly this is one of the best features of the addon, especially if your a n00b! You wont get lost in an unfamiliar world, you'll also find that you complete your quests a lot faster . Zygor groups stuff intelligently, and you end up with some good faction scores to boot


Also the Zygor guide has a talent advisor, So if your completely clueless on where to put your points as you level, Zygor can show you where to add them .

Seriously Zygor kicks ASS, most people that I've chatted with loves it and ends up leveling up faster then you can say WoW , and if history repeats itself like I KNOW IT WILL, You'll love it and level up faster as well, Sincerely this Guide is absolutely amazing ..Like I was saying you can get this by click here or the link below!

Friday, December 11, 2009

[World_of_Warcraft_List] WoW iPhone


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1oBI8A1EGA (check out this vid and drool)



On video: WoW running on iPhone via 3G

Read more: On video: WoW running on iPhone via 3G | GadgetLite - Latest gadgets and technology news http://www.gadgetlite.com/2009/04/26/video-wow-running-iphone-3g/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%253A+gadgetlite+%2528GadgetLite+Blog%2529#ixzz0ZRQy5Mrm

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Home » Cell Phones, Gaming, Latest News, Softwares and Tools

On video: WoW running on iPhone via 3G

Posted on April 26th, 2009 by Editorial Staff in Cell Phones, Gaming, Latest News, Softwares and Tools

World of Warcraft (WoW) on the iPhone? Yes, you read it correctly! This isn't necessarily a new app for the iPhone though. What you see in the picture and the video below is actually WoW being streamed to the iPhone via the iPhone's 3G connection. What we understand from this is that, the actual online game is running on the PC but with the help of Vollee, WoW can be successfully streamed and yes, played on the iPhone 3G. It looks like from the video, most features of the game can be played and the speed looks pretty smooth taking into consideration it is 3G.


It's done using Vollee, which is used to stream games over 3G, so the video is actually just a stream and the rendering is done on the PC. But it's much smoother than we'd expect over 3G, and comes with enough features that true WoW addicts will be able to get their fix on the run, buying and selling elves or whatever happens in that game.

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WoW Quest Helper · 20 weeks ago
Oh man this is my dream come true! WoW on the iphone, that is insane. I guess this has to be done on a network wifi? Would be sweet if you could do it from 3g and play wherever you are at any given time..Nice post!
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Women's Clothes · 32 weeks ago
So, you have to leave your PC on to play it? Boo! Have to wait until they figure out a way to play it just using the iPhone...still, clever stuff!

Read more: On video: WoW running on iPhone via 3G | GadgetLite - Latest gadgets and technology news http://www.gadgetlite.com/2009/04/26/video-wow-running-iphone-3g/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%253A+gadgetlite+%2528GadgetLite+Blog%2529#ixzz0ZRRLReRv
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