Want to know what I call my third wife?
Regardless, we were discussing the names of our pets. I am truthfully telling the name of my warrior's snow leopard. It is 'Fat Broad'. Go to Garrosh and check if you like. 'Fat Board' is also the name of my pet cat who is marked like a real snow tiger.
I hope this does not becoming another example of political correctness running amuck. One person is offended so the whole thread is outlawed even if 99% of the members find my humor humorous.
Recently an eight-year-old was expelled from second grade in Taunton, MA because, when ask to draw what he thought of during Christmas, he drew a stick figure of Jesus on the cross. His teacher was 'concerned' about his 'violent' illustration. Good grief what a total bunch of crap. The teacher, most likely a certified moon-bat, must have thought she'd get some notoriety by making the life of an eight-year-old miserable for a few weeks. It is she who should have been expelled.
Your objection to the name of my warrior's pet is duly noted. If I make another toon who can have a pet, I'll try to name it in an equally offensive manner.
David Lee
From: World_of_Warcraft_
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 3:40 PM
To: World_of_Warcraft_
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_
You know David I'm well aware that remarks like this are the norm in the "other" WoW group but my hopes were that it wasn't in this one. Take care,.
Wherever you go
There you are
From: David Lee <nhengineer@gmail.
To: World_of_Warcraft_
Sent: Thu, December 17, 2009 8:34:58 AM
Subject: RE: [World_of_Warcraft_
I suppose I could have named her 'Fat Skank' in honor of my second wife or to be politically correct, 'Rotund Woman Who is Regarded As Unpleasant-Looking and Sexually Promiscuous' but that wouldn't fit. I tried the second one but there are too many characters.
Best regards Rhonda,
David Lee
From: World_of_Warcraft_
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 10:45 AM
To: World_of_Warcraft_
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_
that kind of anger isn't good for anyone I don't think
Wherever you go
There you are
From: David Lee <nhengineer@gmail.
To: World_of_Warcraft_
Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 2:12:34 PM
Subject: RE: [World_of_Warcraft_
My Night Elf Hunter has a female snow leopard pat. Her name is Fat Broad in honor of my first wife.
From: World_of_Warcraft_
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:22 AM
To: World_of_Warcraft_
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_
I have an Night Elf Hunteress with a cat...named after my cat. :)
I chose hunter because it's most like me in rl, always got a pet following me around I love them and they love me back. Some folks say it's an easy class to play but I'm guessing they have never played one :P
Wherever you go
There you are
From: Shane B <shaneb@ij.net>
To: World_of_Warcraft_List@yahoogroups .com
Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 7:16:09 AM
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] New Robin Hood...
LOL You are right. I read somewhere that Hunters for a time were the most selected class in WoW!
Not sure now
SWherever you're stabbed
There you scardon't even think it. the hunter class is the most picked on in WoW it's just so stupid :(
Wherever you go
There you are
From: Shane B <shaneb@ij.net>
To: World_of_Warcraft_List@yahoogroups .com
Sent: Wed, December 16, 2009 6:54:23 AM
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] New Robin Hood...
Wonder if we are going to see an even bigger resurgence of *hunters* in WoW at the same time? lol
I just loved the Kevin Costner Robin Hood film this one looks promising also :)
Wherever you go
There you are
From: Shane B <shaneb@ij.net>
To: medievaltrivia@yahoogroups. com
Cc: trimaris-temp@yahoogroups. com; wyvernwoode_ @yahoogroups. com; world_Of_Warcraft_ List@yahoogroups .com
Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 10:35:52 PM
Subject: [World_of_Warcraft_List] New Robin Hood...
hood-movie- trailer.blogspot .com/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ )Robin_Hood_ (2010_film
http://www.imdb.com/title/ tt0955308/
Robin Hood (2010 film)
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