Shaboom? ROFLMAO - Great name Rhonda! It makes me think of a gnome or goblin engineer making bombs though! lol
Hmmm thinking of names- BoomFizzle?
As a former history teacher I have studied Norse history and mythology once upon a time and know quite of few 'good vikings' in the SCA and/or on my Yahoo Medieval Trivia lyste.
I was one of the original WoW beta testers and to just grind I started naming toons after BANDS such as a rogue named JGuiles (get the entendre heehee), mage named VanHalen, LedZplin, Shikahgoh, LynrSknr (hunter), and of course an undead warrior named "STYX" (love that band btw)
my ne hunter is Dyanna for the roman goddess of the hunt her favorite pet being her cat, Bast. My shaman I named because it was funny to me which is Shaboom. Someday I'll level her. My mage is Freiya Norse goddess of war, and my warlock is Anethema just because she is :P
Wherever you go
There you are
From: Shane B <>
To: World_of_Warcraft_List@yahoogroups .com
Sent: Fri, December 4, 2009 10:15:17 AM
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Is there a method to your naming madness?
Interesting names all! "NaughtyPrid" - heh heh heh
My tauren hunter is named "CowHunah" (ref "The Big Kuhanah" - Hawaii). My NE hunter is named "Lonalei". Um lemme see - various names of my toon's included: Gnarly, Cyb, Lobbi, Nikkodemus, Larimus, Drunina (the dancing druid), "Gnombril" (Irate Gnome Warrior), Alastair, and last but certainly not least an Orc named "Excrement" and a Troll named "BlowinChunks". :)
Mine became Pridatha because she was a paladin and I thought of pride and the paladin and it just fell into place. Then came Pridara, Pridana, Pridalla because everyone called me Prid anyway. Then there was using my own name, sort of, Beckysue, then a name from a novel, Zanita, game generated, Feoranna, made up totally, Faella, and for my DK, Naughtyprid. Oh, and I had one horde toon, a tauren druid named Shursey because she was a cow and female. "shrug" She is gone now.
--- On Wed, 12/2/09, Julio Caceres <> wrote:
- From: Julio Caceres <jfc30705@yahoo.
com> - Subject: [World_of_Warcraft_
List] Is there a method to your naming madness? - To: World_of_Warcraft_
List@yahoogroups .com - Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 10:13 PM
- Here goes one...what methodology do you use when you pick names for your toons?
---------8<----------snippage 4 brevity-----
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