Love em!!
I do not know why I do not name more toons after puns as I certainly have a rep in RL for using them! lol I am old enough to remember "Shanana" and might name a Tauren "Bowzer" one day. I guess you could name a priest "ChipMonk" or "PhishFriar" eh? A gnome female perhaps by the name of "MigitBrigit"? Tauren "SteaknEgg"?
How long a name can you have in WoW anyways?
[humming] "Good night sweetheart good night" - Shanana
I go for the puns : Bjornagin for deathknight , Rewarmed Tauren DK , gnorma gnorman and gnomeskull variuos gnomes , Amagingrace for a mage , Shamanah for shaman ( think50's music) Ankylebyter for dwarf pally and his little buddy toesnapper the gnome rogue , and the friars .. my priests
From: Shane B <>
To: World_of_Warcraft_List@yahoogroups .com
Sent: Fri, December 4, 2009 11:15:17 AM
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Is there a method to your naming madness?
Interesting names all! "NaughtyPrid" - heh heh heh
My tauren hunter is named "CowHunah" (ref "The Big Kuhanah" - Hawaii). My NE hunter is named "Lonalei". Um lemme see - various names of my toon's included: Gnarly, Cyb, Lobbi, Nikkodemus, Larimus, Drunina (the dancing druid), "Gnombril" (Irate Gnome Warrior), Alastair, and last but certainly not least an Orc named "Excrement" and a Troll named "BlowinChunks". :)
Mine became Pridatha because she was a paladin and I thought of pride and the paladin and it just fell into place. Then came Pridara, Pridana, Pridalla because everyone called me Prid anyway. Then there was using my own name, sort of, Beckysue, then a name from a novel, Zanita, game generated, Feoranna, made up totally, Faella, and for my DK, Naughtyprid. Oh, and I had one horde toon, a tauren druid named Shursey because she was a cow and female. "shrug" She is gone now.
--- On Wed, 12/2/09, Julio Caceres <jfc30705@yahoo. com> wrote:
- From: Julio Caceres <jfc30705@yahoo. com>
- Subject: [World_of_Warcraft_ List] Is there a method to your naming madness?
- To: World_of_Warcraft_ List@yahoogroups .com
- Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2009, 10:13 PM
- Here goes one...what methodology do you use when you pick names for your toons?
---------8<----------snippage 4 brevity-----
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