Is anyone on right now,?
On May 25, 2012 8:12 PM, "Maribeth Schneider" <> wrote:
I know I agree especially with this economy :( However, a spot will be reserved for you :) Right, Kevin?hugsMaribethOn Fri, May 25, 2012 at 7:35 PM, <> wrote:
-------Original Message-------
Ok I'm on right now looking to join lol
On May 25, 2012 7:11 PM, "Maribeth Schneider" <> wrote:
oh no I will definitely add you to friends and will attempt to invite but I don't think it will let me invite trial accounts. Trust me, Alastyr and I both understand RL issues. A spot will be reserved just for you :)hugsMaribeth
On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 6:58 PM, <> wrote:
Hello I haven't been on much. Had to let wow go because of RL issues. Yea couldn't afford it! I'm playin the starter edition but would love to join u guys at least till lvl 20. I have two toons on Venture CoLacoltia Ta DruidCerinn Ud PriestI'm on now so look me up if u got a low level toon to run with. Have a good weekend!Jimmy-------Original Message-------
ok I am there and have a toon thanks to Kevin's brother :) Senctitee is my DK's name :)YAYBTW we are still here on Madoran server for alliance :) Lashellica will not let me forget she wants to be level 85 :)hugsMaribeth
On Fri, May 25, 2012 at 7:32 AM, kevin dorey <> wrote:
there is also a guild yahoo group if you would like to join itsFrom: kevin dorey <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: helloI will be on sometime this morning around 10 am est and most definately this evening prolly arounf 6ish Im thinkingFrom: "" <>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 5:26 AM
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: hello
Cool, I just rolled an Orc mage named Denrinok...any idea what time you will be on today?-------Original Message-------not a problemFrom: "" <>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 5:05 AM
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: hello
Thanks Kevin, I may be creating a toon today and see if i can find you to join the guild, just to let I have a crazy schedule and play sporadically, my main guild take up alot of my playing time...just let me know if this is a problem, then I wont join ..I know many guild want active players-------Original Message-------Im on easternFrom: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: hello
Are you guys on Eastern or Pacific time?-------Original Message-------gotcha, I will be on this evening not sure exactly what time. but I will be onFrom: Sidney Sauseda II <>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: helloI just made a gob warrior named DaBossOn May 24, 2012 1:30 PM, "Shane B" <> wrote:Hopefully after the fall elections things will get better dear. I know we are both praying hard!
ok thanks - will be awhile due to difficult times but save a spot for me :) Maribeth On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 11:49 AM, kevin dorey <> wrote:
- maribeth if you roll a toon let me know, I will shoot you a invite
- From: Maribeth Schneider <>
- To:
- Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2012 8:52 AM
- Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: hello
- oh yes nice- I will join as well too - I love running dungeons as Alastyr can tell you :)
- Maribeth
- On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Sidney Sauseda II <> wrote:
- What server and guild is this cause I'm very interested in running with you guys!!
- On May 23, 2012 10:32 AM, "kevin dorey" <> wrote:
- yes you would have to be horde, I been playing for quite a while ( since burning crusade was launched ) and I still have things to learn. our guild like I said has only 2 active members atm, we want to get back to having more fun. we used to have a guild run night where we would pick a dungeon , and everyone would show and we would run, we used to have so many that we would have to go 2-3 times so everyone who wanted to could go, it was a blast
- From: Kristine Peterson <>
- To: "" <>
- Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 10:17 AM
- Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: hello
I will be playing horde soon. lol I have toons in all the characters that I like except for the night elf. I do want to play some of the ones on the horde side too. I have some questions about guilds. What do you mean when you say your guild is level 7? I am in a guild, Divine Justice, but I have found I don't really like to do dungeons with them because the active ones that do dungeons are high level and I don't get to do much. lol I don't feel I am pulling my weight. What I need to do with them is tell them I want them to just back me up so I get experience but my head phones are working well at this point so I haven't. Have to get better ones I think. I do like the guild bank and I can rez people no matter what level I am because that is a guild perk. They also purchase the first riding animal at level 20 for you and the first flying one.
I would have to be horde to be in your guild right? I have played for over a year and still feel like I don't know much. lol
From: kevin dorey <>
I play on the Venture co. server horde side, I have a guild there that actually spawned from this group, unfortunately most of the folks have stopped playing due to RL issues, My brother and I are the only active members left ATM. Any of you are welcome to come play with us should you get bored, Planned Chaos would welcome you. ( lvl 7 guild )
sned me a message and I can tell you when I'll be on
masridori lvl 85 prot pally- BE
valharric lvl 85 ret pally-BE
ginidori lvl 85 demonology warlock-BE
demidori lvl 85 unholy DK-BE
ragenmage lvl 85 frost mage-UD
goobersmooch lvl 76 shadow priest-GOBLIN
dagonay lvl 41 hunter -BE
bankatoon lvl 31 Rogue-BE
fartzalot lvl 36 warrior-Orc
muuid lvl 11 Bal.druid-Tauren
people are mean in dungeons, the expect too much, alot funner with friends so if Crap happens you all wipe, you laugh and go again. Biggest secret to being a good tank is know the fights and know the dungeons,
From: Kristine Peterson <>
I have several toons also. I tend to get bored from time to time so with more toons I can just switch off. lol
I haven't tried tanking yet; that I would want to wait to do until I am with people I know. I have found sometimes doing dungeons that people can be very mean. lol I want to try healing but have been hesitant for the same reason.
Daystalker - 75 human hunter.
Shiele - 36 dranei mage
Sunstrike - 22 dwarf priest
Aciddream - 21 worgen warlock
Nightscourge - 58 death knight
I played around with other toons that I deleted learning how to play. Next one I want to do is a night elf shaman. When I do get brave enough to be a healer I think I will choose the priest or mage; not sure yet. I was invited to the beta for the new one Pandaria and I am going to be a monk there. Kristine
I have several toons. I am leveling one of each type of healer on Madoran :) I love unholy death knights especially in dungeon but I usually just dps, not tank. I don't like tanking unless I am with guildies :) Even then, I prefer to dps or even better heal with one of my healers :)
Here is a list of my toons: :)
Defenders of the Dream (Madoran)
Lydiaa - 85 human mage
Libi 85 gnome rogue
Vengellica - 75 BE priest
Krystikae - 52 human paladin
Lashellica - 72 gnome priest
Dreileene - 50 Dranei Shaman
Qyna - 62 gnome warlock (Terokkar)
Gnoppers - 30 gnome warrior (Terokkar)
Primal Knights (Baelgun)
Ghoriel - 62 goblin death knight
Brinnie - 32 goblin priest
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