Zygor Alliance & Horde World of Warcraft Leveling & Dailies Guides Review

Yes Zygor Guide! I use this ALL the time. One of my good buddies introduced me too it , and i can say that it makes leveling in this game, effin easy!

First, installing the guide is super easy with the installer program. Once you login to play , getting started is just as simple. Now I have personally used this addon to level a Dranei Warrior to level 60 and a Dranei Priest to level 70. Man I really could have used this a while back when i was trying to level up my Night Elf Druid.

It's gotta a new waypoint feature, which ultimately makes Zygor the best choice when it comes to leveling the best leveling addon you can get. If you were like me when WoW first came out , we had to Alt+Tab in and out of the game to look at websites to figure out a quest. Guess what ? With Zygor no more of that BS! The waypoint system literally takes you right to your objectives and back to the quest giver so you dont waste anymore time. Honestly this is one of the best features of the addon, especially if your a n00b! You wont get lost in an unfamiliar world, you'll also find that you complete your quests a lot faster . Zygor groups stuff intelligently, and you end up with some good faction scores to boot


Also the Zygor guide has a talent advisor, So if your completely clueless on where to put your points as you level, Zygor can show you where to add them .

Seriously Zygor kicks ASS, most people that I've chatted with loves it and ends up leveling up faster then you can say WoW , and if history repeats itself like I KNOW IT WILL, You'll love it and level up faster as well, Sincerely this Guide is absolutely amazing ..Like I was saying you can get this by click here or the link below!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: Sharing humor : )


I started playing WoW way back during the first beta days and I remember how it was without ships.  You just went to the dock and talked to the 'dockmaster' and you were 'ported' to the other continent.  No ships just a port....


Sent from my iPanduh

LOL I started about 2 weeks after burning crusade hit...it was a challenge...you actually had to read the quest ( no HUD arrows to guide you ) and quest items didnt sparkle so brightly, it was a challenge, there used to be epic battles in tarren mill and southshore, it was like turf war for horde and alliance on a pvp server, it was the first contseted area you hit in the game. the old days were alot of fun thats for sure. oh yeah remember you had to be level 40 to get your first mount????

From: Wolfie <wolfie@rochester.rr.com>
To: World_of_Warcraft_List@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, July 7, 2012 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: Sharing humor : )
Oh yeah!  Def looking forward to checking out the Monk class
From: jonders66@hotmail.com
Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2012 12:09 PM
To: World_of_Warcraft_List
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: Sharing humor : )
Good morning poops. I started playing almost 2 1/2 years ago. Pre cata. I remember the changes and agree that a lot was dumbed down. I like not having to keep up with arrows though but on the other hand cata was hard on the poor ole druid, which is my favorite class. Changes are enivitable so u have to role with the punches. The change I hated the most was the lose of the portals in shat and dalaran! Made things much easier! Yes the starter bags do need to be bigger!
I played star wars and think the game is awesome. I can't afford both but hope to when things get better. I didn't care for rift though. There is a free mmo that is so much like it that I don't see why someone would pay for the game. My opinion though and for those who do like it more power to u! Over all and all wow is still better then all of them. I wished I would have discovered it earlier so I could have seen all the changes first hand but at least I did get the chance to see azeroth before the cataclysm and see the changes. It was a major change for the whole world or warcraft! I look forward to MOP not for pandas but I would love to play a monk! I have read quite a bit about the next xpac and like some of the things coming. Achievements and mounts becoming account bound will help a lot.  All my toon can now have a chopper!
Well the discuss looks lively but azeroth is calling and I want to see if I can get some heirlooms for darkmoon. Hopefully next month venture co and madoran mains will have some Cya ya in game and thanks for running with us last night Karen. Sorry for wiping so much!
Jimmy aka Silverwulf
-------Original Message-------
From: Kristine Peterson
Date: 7/6/2012 7:28:16 PM
To: World_of_Warcraft_List@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: Sharing humor : )
I have only been playing for a year or two so I don't know about all the old things and ways. I like the game as it is and I am looking forward to playing the monk on the MoP. Does anyone play Star Wars? That is more complicated than WoW I think and so is Rift. Maybe those would be more of a challenge for the ones that don't like the WoW changes. lol I like the game mostly for the social aspects. And hey no one is a pariah for having their own opinion and ways of thinking. I hope we are all more open minded than that!
Sweet Kristine
From: lirrots <bilbomoody@yahoo.com>
To: World_of_Warcraft_List@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2012 5:53 PM
Subject: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: Sharing humor : )
Ugh, not I... I didn't like having a bag dedicated just to my shards - makes it easier to keep questing with the freed up bag space.I'm probably a pariah here as I don't mind most of the changes. Although I am nostalgic for many of the things in the past, I can see why many changes were made. Unfortunately, when a game has been around for as long as WoW has, it's going to have to evolve in order to accommodate both the old and new player base. Leveling has become easier and quicker because we now have to level to 85 instead of 60 and who wants to slowly slog through all those lower levels the third or fourth time around? I understand nostalgia for stacks of ammo and also for having "stat sticks" but I can also understand streamlining the game so that players can worry less about having to make sure they're stocked up with ammo or carrying the right stat piece to accomplish their goals and can use that time to actually accomplish those goals.As far as "Kung Fu Panda Commie China Sellout Whatever" - i.e. Mists of Pandaria, I'm always amused with the complaints of "dumbing down" the game and selling out or Disney-fying it, especially as many of the people who complain about "dumbing down" are not the ones who are hardcore elitist types... all the stuff being added is to help provide more entertainment for casual players. As far as the next playable race being pandas... so what? We already have cows and space goats... it's not like WoW is hardcore fantasy in the vein of Game of Thrones or something. Also, being able to farm your own herb and ore nodes sounds pretty cool to me. I'm not so keen on the pet battles, but you never know, it may not be so bad and I know that the rare pets I've been sniping off the AH will be will be great sellers, so I'm looking forward to that aspect of it. AoE looting is wonderful, especially when farming for lower level cloth and/or cool looking gear for transmog. The 3-man scenarios are a great idea for people who don't/can't dedicate their time to raiding or doing the new 5-man dungeon challenges but want to get together with some friends and may not have a healer or tank to do a 5 man regular dungeon. There are 5 new specializations in cooking, archaeology is getting a much-needed boost and the overwhelming amount of new dailies available will help kill the boredom of running the same dailies over and over and over again. I think Blizzard is doing a decent job trying to please as many players as they can and the ones who aren't pleased can find a different game to play I suppose - that's why they lost 1+ million players over the last year or so. As I said, I may be a pariah on this board because I am looking forward to MoP for several reasons, but so be it! :DOh, and I like Gnomeregan as well, so double whammy! LOL--- In mailto:World_of_Warcraft_List%40yahoogroups.com, Maribeth Schneider <marribeth@...> wrote:>> me three :) I also miss having to build up soulshards and having a soul> pouch :)> > Maribeth>

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