Now can someone tell me WHY in the hell they changed the name of this obvious Maine Coon cat to "Black Tabby"??
It is actually a Maine Coon cat and would love to have one as or RL cat looks JUST LIKE HER right down to the white 'boots' heehee. Anyone have any words of wisdom not mentioned on the site?
Right Click to summon and dismiss your cat.
Collection Stats: 52.6% have it: Track my collection »
Favored Faction:
Binding: Binds when used
Mobility: Runs/walks
Idle Animation: Stretches and yawns.
Sound: None
Source: DROP: [21r]Dalaran Spellscribe - Silverpine Forest, [31-35]Dalaran Shield Guard, Dalaran Theurgist, and Dalaran Summoner - Alterac Mountains
Drop Rate: 1 in 7 (Dalaran Spellscribe)
1 in 1,000 (others)
Rarity: Uncommon
This pet was formerly known as 'Maine Coon'. Dalaran Spellscribe is often a better source when farming this pet, however it is a rare mob with three known spawn points, making it difficult to camp. As all Dalaran mobs are friendly to alliance characters, only horde characters can obtain this drop. Alliance characters may purchase this pet through a neutral auction house and on occasion through their own auction house.
If Stinker the skunk is nearby, he will fall in love with the Black Tabby and chase it around.
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