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- 11-22-2009 12:31 AM #1
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Lady Deathwhisper Encounter
- Hello, and welcome to TankSpot's written guide to the Lady Deathwhisper encounter. My name is Spiritus and I will be offering specific details on the encounter, as well as working strategies to deal with certain mechanics
- BIG NOTE: As always, abilities are subject to change with hot-fixes and minor patches. Below is the official TankSpot Video Guide:
- Environment, Positioning, and Pull:
- (1) Your raid will enter the room through a door at the apex of the room, with Deathwhipser at the far side of the room. Note the 6 alcoves, 3 on each side of the room. This is where adds will spawn. This fight is all about phase1. Get this down and phase2 is a simple burn with an interrupt rotation.
- Figure 1. Phase1 Setup
- (3) A ranged tank is not needed for this fight as Shadowbolt is cast on random raid members [Thanks to Ivresse]. She does not have an aggro table for phase1. Select a group of ranged DPS to be dedicated to burning her mana shield.
- (4) Have two side groups, each with 4ish melee, one hunter, one tank, and two dedicated healers. They will be responsible for the adds.
- (5) Notice the question mark. On each wave, this will be either a Cult Adherent or Cult Fanatic. Have one tank and two physical DPS dedicated to burning this add.
- (6) There have been several strats that have worked on this fight. I will be presenting the one that I believe offers the most control.
- Boss/Add Abilities:
- Lady Deathwhisper has a has 14m mana pool that must be burned through DPSing her mana shield to activate phase2. She, herself, has 13.4m HP, for a total of 27.4m damage needed to be done to kill her.
- <---PHASE 1--->
Mana Barrier
In phase1, Deathwhisper is enveloped in a mana shield, converting damage done into a loss in mana. Basically, she takes 0 damage until all 14m mana is depleted.
Shadow Bolt
100yard range, 2sec cast. Uninteruptable.
Inflicts 9188 to 11812 Shadow damage to an enemy.
This is Deathwhisper's main attack during phase1 and will be cast on random raid members. Shadow Bolt is resistible, and as such, shadow prot or aura is recommended.
Death and Decay
100yard range, Instant.
4500 Shadow damage inflicted every 1.0 sec to all targets in the affected area for 10 sec
Works and looks just like the DK version, except the graphic color is green. Cast on a random raid member. Don't stand in it. Have the ranged DPS dedicated to burning Deathwhisper spread out to reduce the number of people having to move.
Dominate Mind
Unlimited range, Instant. 20sec duration.
Mind controls the target. Damage increased by 200%. Healing increased by 500%.
A straightforward MC. CC the recipient of this spell, polymorph preferred. Occurs relatively frequently, but only one MC at a time.
Animate Dead
Reanimates a Cult Adherent or Cult Fanatic.
From time to time, Deathwhisper will reanimate an add that has died to Dark Martyrdom (see below). If you are able to kill all the adds before this is cast, you will never have reanimated adds. If this is cast, be ready to pick up the reanimated add and burn it.
Dark Empowerment
Empowers the recipient, causing them to gain additional abilities.
From time to time, Deathwhisper will cast this on a Cult Adherent/Fanatic. This makes the recipient the top priority target and must be either kited or burned quickly. See below for special abilities.
Approx. 200k HP (Unconfirmed)
Deathchill Bolt
45yd range, 2sec cast. Interuptable.
Deals 8788 to 10212 Shadowfrost damage to an enemy target.
Primary nuke of the Adherent. Cast on highest threat target. Interrupt when possible.
Shroud of the Occult
Self, Instant.
Envelops the caster in a powerful barrier that deflects all harmful magic, prevents cast interruption, and absorbs up to 100,000 damage before breaking.
This is cast at the Adherent's choosing. Must be burned through by physical DPS.
Deathchill Blast [Cast when Empowered]
10yd radius, 2sec cast.
Deals 11563 to 13437 Shadowfrost damage to all enemies within 10 yards of the target.
This is cast when Deathwhisper empowers an Adherent. It is especially dangerous when combined with Shroud of the Occult. Interrupt when possible. Very dangerous ability that demands quick attention to kill the target.
Dark Martyrdom
15yd radius, 4sec cast.
The caster surrenders to dark energies, exploding to deal 12000 Shadowstorm damage to all enemies within 15 yards, and leaving only skeletal remains behind.
This is cast randomly. Must be killed before the cast is finished, or DPS in the area must retreat to prevent the damage. Adds that die to Dark Martyrdom will be reanimated by Lady Deathwhisper.
Adherent's Determination (UPDATE!)
Nearly impervious to magical damage. 99% reduction. Always active.
UPDATE! This is cast on Adherants upon being reanimated by Lady Deathwhisper. Have physical DPS burn down Reanimated Adherents.
Frost Fever (CONFIRMED)
50,000yd range, Instant. 15sec duration.
A disease dealing Frost damage every 3 seconds and reducing the target's melee and ranged attack speed by 14%.
Simple DoT. Remove promptly.
Curse of Torpor (CONFIRMED)
100yd range, 1sec cast. 15sec duration.
Afflicts an enemy target with a curse that increases ability cooldowns by 15sec.
This is a very dangerous ability, especially when cast on healers. IT EFFECTS ALL SPELLS AND MUST BE DECURSED ASAP! For instance, Curse of Torpor is cast on Spiritus. Spiritus casts Flash Heal. Spiritus cannot cast Flash Heal again for 15sec. Spiritus then casts Penance (8sec CD). Spiritus cannot cast Penance again for 23sec. It is highly recommended that victims of Curse of Torpor stop whatever they are doing until the curse is removed.
Approx. 200k HP (Unconfirmed)
Cult Fanatic Melee Hits
Cult Fanatics hit hard and must be tanked.
Shadow Cleave
Next Melee, 8 yard 180deg arc.
Inflicts 15913 to 17587 Shadow damage to enemies in front of the attacker.
Don't stand in front of Fanatics unless your a tank.
Necrotic Strike
Strikes an enemy with a cursed blade, dealing 70% of weapon damage to the target and inflicting a lasting malady that negates the next 14000 healing received.
Self explanatory. Healers must brute heal to catch up on the tank.
Vampiric Might [Cast when Empowered]
Empowers the caster with dark might, increasing all damage dealt by 25% and heals the caster for 300% of his damage dealt.
UPDATE! This is the reason why you have a hunter in each side group. As soon as a Cult Fanatic becomes Empowered, the hunter will immediately Distracting Shot the add and begin to kite. All ranged DPS at this time should turn and burn the kited add. Empowered Cult Fanatics hit like trucks and will quickly decimate most tanks. The upside is that they move very slowly, allowing for an easy kite.
Dark Martyrdom
15yd radius, 4sec cast.The caster surrenders to dark energies, exploding to deal 12000 Shadowstorm damage to all enemies within 15 yards, and leaving only skeletal remains behind.
Same as Adherent's ability. See above.
Fanatic's Determination (UPDATE!)
Nearly impervious to physical damage. 99% reduction. Always active.
UPDATE! This is cast on Fanatics upon being reanimated by Lady Deathwhisper. Have magic DPS burn down Reanimated Fanatics.
<---PHASE 2--->
Phase 2 occurs when all 14m of Deathwhisper's mana shield is destroyed. THIS CAUSES AN AGGRO WIPE!!!!! Well, not really. She never had an aggro table before, so she starts phase2 with 0 aggro. The mechanic, however, is dealt in the same way. Have a tank free and ready to pick her up to begin phase2. During phase2, Deathwhisper still casts D&D and MC. Have mages be ready with polymorph and keep your raid spread out to minimize the number of people in D&D. When phase2 hits, adds cease to spawn. Burn all remaining adds, or pace your DPS so that phase2 occurs when no adds are alive.
2sec cast. Interuptable, but unresistible!
Inflicts 50,700 to 53,330 (40,950 to 43,050 10man) Frost damage to an enemy and reduces its movement speed by 50% for 4 seconds.
This Deathwhisper's only direct damaging attack during phase2 and is cast on the tank. NOTE THAT IT IS UNRESISTIBLE! Frost resist gear will do you no good. Therefore, it is recommended to set up an interrupt rotation. If properly executed, it makes tank damage during this phase trival. If not properly done, it will cause you a wipe.
Disc priests will be valued for this phase for when a frostbolt slips through. The (hopefully) large gaps in damage taken allows them to build up a huge DA+PW:S. Letting two frostbolts hit the tank consecutively will most likely result in death.
Frostbolt Volly
Instant cast. 8sec cooldown. Uninterruptable, but resistible.
Inflicts 10,800 to 13,200Frost damage to nearby enemies, reducing their moving speed by an enemy and reduces its movement speed by 50% for 4 seconds.
Unavoidable, but easily healed. Do not let this fake out your interrupters.
Touch of Insignificance (CONFIRMED)
Instant. 30sec duration.
Reduces the target's threat generation by 20%. Stacks to five.
This ability forces a 2-tank taunt rotation. Lady Deathwhisper is indeed taunt-able. I am still uncertain to the exact frequency of this ability. It is recommended, then, to taunt every 30sec, or when the stack falls off the OT.
Vengeful Spirit [Add]
Deathwhisper summons a Vengeful Spirit. Vengeful Spirit persues a player for a short period of time. If caught, they will explode for 17370 to 18630 Shadowfrist damage to all enemies within 15 yards of the target.
If you remember the Vengeful Spirits in Naxx, this is the same deal, except they hurt a lot more. If you are the target of a Vengeful Spirit, run away until is despawns. This is cast relatively frequently during phase2.
(1) This fight is all about phase1. Striking a proper balance between add control and DPS on the mana shield is your primary task...
(2) ...that being said, do not relax on phase2. Not properly executing an interupt rotation will result in a wipe. It is advisable to use heroism on phase2.
(3) SHACKLE IS USEFUL AGAIN! All adds can be shackled, and several guilds used this strat on fanatics. Priests of the world rejoice!
(4) CC MC'D PLAYERS! An MC'd player will wreck havoic on your raid. CC them ASAP.
(5) Make your raid leader happy by not standing in green circles.
(6) Focus fire Empowered adds, they are extremely dangerous.
(7) Make sure to be running both shadow and frost resist on this fight in some shape or form (Shadow Prot, Resist auras, or totems)
This will be your guild's first major challenge in ICC. It demands a high level of coordination and exceptional individual performance by all.
As always, feel free to add info to this post that will further everyone's understanding of the fight.
Good luck on Lady Deathwhisper!
Last edited by Spiritus; 12-10-2009 at 04:43 PM.
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11-22-2009 09:36 AM #2
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- Do the Adherents and Cultists always spawn in that exact formation on each side?
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- 11-22-2009 12:11 PM #3
- Drork
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- So is mana burn useful for damage and mana drain on phase 1 ?
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- 11-22-2009 05:06 PM #4
- Spiritus
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Originally Posted by Thragus
- Do the Adherents and Cultists always spawn in that exact formation on each side?
- As far as I can tell, yes. Could Blizzard change it before launch? Absolutely, but doubtful.
Originally Posted by Drork
- So is mana burn useful for damage and mana drain on phase 1 ?
- It is extremely unlikely that these spells are usable on Deathwhisper. For every point of damage you do to the shield, you burn a point of mana. Just think of the mana bar in phase1 as healthbar1.
- In the case of the shadow priest, mana burn would end up being entirely unbalanced, causing 9,750 "damage" per burn (from a priest with a 25k mana pool). Talented, this spell can be reduced to a 2sec base and with haste can get pretty fast.
- Warlocks would transfer 6% of their own mana every 1sec(unhasted), which would result in 1500 DPS on Deathwhisper. Warlocks would be better suited using their normal rotation.
- Again, highly doubtful that mana drain and mana burn will be usable on Deathwhisper.
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- 11-23-2009 07:13 AM #5
- Thegreatme
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- It will be interesting to see if mana burn double dips, if so that would be really nice. even if it doesn't though hunters might have an advantage in p1 because of viper sting (unless serpent sting damage > viper sting mana drain).
- Also anyone know what the deal is with that platform that keeps rising and falling on top of deathwhisper? of the videos you linked it was only happening in the affenjungs video, I also saw it in the alpha video. If this mechanic is in the live version I think it has some sort of damage that goes a long with it. If you watch at ~4:15 in the affenjungs video you can see two people get hit by it, and if you watch the raid frames you can see a rogue take a big chunk of damage at pretty much exactly the same time and then appears to die it's hard to tell if this is directly related to that platform. If that platform is in the live version there is going to have to be some sort of mechanic with it because I don't think blizz would put something like that in simply for looks.
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- 11-23-2009 07:30 AM #6
- Kherberos
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- its just a bugged elevator I believe. It should come down once you down her, to be able to progress.
- Same as the dreamwalker' gates. they go up & down all the time instead of only when adds spawn.
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- 11-23-2009 01:12 PM #7
- Spiritus
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- Yup. Bugged elevator.
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- 11-23-2009 05:29 PM #8
- Aerodineth
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- From looking at the vids and reading the info, I'm curious why she has to be tanked with ranged dps, Why not just use a normal tank to soak the shadow bolts? I understand that if you get unlucky and she hits the MT with DnD forcing him/her to move out of melee range there could be aggro issues, but I'm just curious if there's some other "get away from me!" ability she has that we're not seeing here.
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- 11-23-2009 05:50 PM #9
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- Since its a casted spell she does. def/dodge/parry etc dont rly matter. So why not use a dps to tank her since he'll be doing what his name says : DPS. Instead of gimping your dps output with 3 tanks , you use 2 but a dps as "third tank" that actually does dps and functions 100% similiar to a real tank AKA meatshield / healthpool
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- 11-24-2009 06:14 AM #10
- Ivresse
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- Funnily enough, the guide that's been posted on states that Lady Deathwhisper will actually cast Shadowbolt, DnD and Dominate mind on random targets and therefore cannot be tanked. It also stated there is no aggro reset when phase 2 occurs.
- Can anyone confirm or deny whether this is the case, and if there is indeed any need for a ranged tank at all during phase 1?
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- 11-24-2009 12:36 PM #11
- Spiritus
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Originally Posted by Ivresse
- Funnily enough, the guide that's been posted on states that Lady Deathwhisper will actually cast Shadowbolt, DnD and Dominate mind on random targets and therefore cannot be tanked. It also stated there is no aggro reset when phase 2 occurs.
- Can anyone confirm or deny whether this is the case, and if there is indeed any need for a ranged tank at all during phase 1?
- After looking through more information, and confirming it on several videos, Shadowbolt is indeed cast on random raid members, thus removing the need for a ranged tank.
- This means that she does not have an aggro table during phase1, and thus cannot technically reset her aggro for phase2, because she never had any in the first place. The mechanic, however, will work exactly like an aggro reset, with all DPS stopping on Deathwhisper to allow for a physical tank to pick her up.
- I was watching so many other abilities on this fight, that I had assumed the shadowbolt was cast on the high threat target. Nice catch!
- Last edited by Spiritus; 11-24-2009 at 01:53 PM.
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- 11-24-2009 02:41 PM #12
- Nitros14
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Originally Posted by Spiritus
- After looking through more information, and confirming it on several videos, Shadowbolt is indeed cast on random raid members, thus removing the need for a ranged tank.
- This means that she does not have an aggro table during phase1, and thus cannot technically reset her aggro for phase2, because she never had any in the first place. The mechanic, however, will work exactly like an aggro reset, with all DPS stopping on Deathwhisper to allow for a physical tank to pick her up.
- I was watching so many other abilities on this fight, that I had assumed the shadowbolt was cast on the high threat target. Nice catch!
- From what I saw on the PTR there's some stuff you're missing.
- Touch of Insignificance - Spell - World of Warcraft She'll stack this on her tank and she's untauntable. At 5 stacks the tank cannot generate threat so she requires two tanks. Edit: Phase 2 only, untankable in phase one.
- Adherents/Fanatics determination only applied to reanimated adds. No clue if that's a bug or not.
- Dominate mind hit three targets on heroic difficulty.
- She cast Frostbolt Volley - Spell - World of Warcraft Frostbolt Volley on heroic difficulty in phase 2. It's completely lethal in conjunction with vengeful shades if anyone gets hit.
- Frostbolt - Spell - World of Warcraft This is the frostbolt she uses on 25-man.
- Last edited by Nitros14; 11-24-2009 at 03:09 PM.
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- 11-24-2009 04:45 PM #13
- Spiritus
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- I was under the impression that Touch of Insignificance was to be reserved for Heroic mode, but if you observed it on normal then I don't doubt you. I'll include it in the guide as such.
- Determination only applying to reanimated adds actually makes perfect sense and neatly clears up some confusion I had. I'll be changing the guide accordingly.
- After reviewing the Frostbolt spell you listed, it is indeed the version used in 25man. With this amount of damage, if it is un-resistible, would one-shot all but well geared druid tanks. This makes the interrupt rotation even that much more of a priority.
- I don't want to include the info that I know will be on Heroic mode in this guide as it will be sometime before anyone sees the encounter. I'd like to keep these guides as uncluttered as possible. I will be releasing Heroic guides closer to the point when the Lich King will be released.
- Last edited by Spiritus; 11-24-2009 at 05:15 PM.
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- 11-24-2009 10:19 PM #14
- Aggathon
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- Why use melee on the adds and not ranged dps, can melee not hit the mana shield or something? If adds the explode for 12k damage in a 15 yard radius, but then those adds can't be re-animated, it seems a lot more beneficial to let them explode. The tank can absord that amount of damage easily, and ranged wouldn't even get hit by it and would thus avoid a possible gib of shadowbolt+explosion.
- Agg's Prot War Guide
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- 11-25-2009 11:55 AM #15
- Spiritus
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Originally Posted by Aggathon
- Why use melee on the adds and not ranged dps, can melee not hit the mana shield or something? If adds the explode for 12k damage in a 15 yard radius, but then those adds can't be re-animated, it seems a lot more beneficial to let them explode. The tank can absord that amount of damage easily, and ranged wouldn't even get hit by it and would thus avoid a possible gib of shadowbolt+explosion.
- I believe there are several reasons to use Melee DPS on the adds:
- (1) Interrupts. Being able to interrupt the Adherents' spells makes life easier.
- (2) Cleaves. Cleaves make everyone happy.
- (3) Death & Decay. A D&D on the melee, if attacking Deathwhisper, would all but stop DPS on the boss until the duration is over.
- (3) Shroud of the Occult. This is the big one. It reflects all harmful magic and absorbs 100k damage. If you had ranged (which is mostly magic damage) on the adds, and this is cast, you would have to peel off melee (or redirect hunters) to burn this down.
- (4) I'll make it more clear in my guide, but the whole "Martyred adds cannot be reanimated" is purely speculative. I would not base a strategy on this whatsoever. It is merely a musing on my part.
- (5) As far as a Dark Martyrdom+Shadowbolt gib is concerned, 23.8k doesn't kill most melee I know, so I wouldn't worry about that. I also wouldn't worry about Martyrdom ever going off. It is a 4sec cast and your side group teams should be focus firing one by one, the mob should be dead before the cast finishes.
- That being said, if you find that having the melee on Deathwhisper & ranged on adds works better for you then by all means. As long as the boss is dead, right? I can only give my recommendations from what I have researched and what I can extrapolate from that research. As such, I am recommending ranged on the boss, and melee on the adds.
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- 11-25-2009 02:33 PM #16
- Aggathon
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- That's legitimate, and makes sense.
- Agg's Prot War Guide
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- 11-25-2009 05:30 PM #17
- Nitros14
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- If I may add something about melee gibs.
- Dark Martyrdom - Spell - World of Warcraft This is the 25-man version of Martyrdom.
- Shadow Bolt - Spell - World of Warcraft And the 25-man version of Shadow Bolt.
- I'd still use melee on the adds though it's one explosion at a time and easy to avoid.
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- 11-26-2009 04:58 AM #18
- Xequecal
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- That Frostbolt Volley sounds like an utter nightmare for heroic mode since I'm assuming it's very hard to get away from shades while snared and with it hitting the whole raid it's not feasible to cleanse it.
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- 11-26-2009 08:00 AM #19
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Originally Posted by Xequecal
- That Frostbolt Volley sounds like an utter nightmare for heroic mode since I'm assuming it's very hard to get away from shades while snared and with it hitting the whole raid it's not feasible to cleanse it.
- The volley only slows you for 30%, unlike a normal frostbolt. You move at the same speed as the shades when snared by it. They don't move quickly.
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- 11-26-2009 08:04 AM #20
- Ivresse
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- I'd say the touch of insignificance element of phase 2 would work in a similar vein to Gurtogg Bloodboil's threat element, since he was untauntable either.
- Essentially from what I gather, both tanks must generate threat on Deathwhisper and she'll switch targets from one to another as the ToI debuff causes the current target to fall behind in threat gen. I'd probably say that Tricks of the Trade and Misdirects should be used on the tank that's not being targetted by Deathwhisper once his debuff has faded in order to alllow him to catch up and overtake the current target on threat.
- There is of course the possibility that both ToI and Deathwhisper being untauntable may be a 25-man element than a 10 man since you're not as likely to have external threat generation available in 10 man, but that's just a possible guess.
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