Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Patch 3.32 Final [2 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Shane B included below]

What server you guys playing on now? And guild name?  I need to get a real notebook and start writing things down.  lol

Here ya go!  Join us if you like



For those SCAdians of the "WoW Persuasion".  We have set up an "SCA Guild" titled "Defenders of the Dream"

alliance and horde on the MADORAN Server.

Our "Guild Tabard" is the Arms of the SCA.

We have a guild bank and there are several SCAdians [and friends of same] on already.

Come Join the  fun and fellowship that ONLY the SCA can bring to ANY group be it online or on the field!

Server:  Madoran
Faction: Alliance
Faction: Horde
Contacts: Message in game Alastyr or Gnyriece or Kylancey or Pridatha - or just look for "Defenders of the Dream" and "Avengers of the Dream" [Horde side]

HUZZAH!!!  We also recommend the "SCA Friendly" yahoo list:


A great place to meet and share a bit of the dream when you are unable to attend any sca functions!
Emacs!  Emacs!

,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸ C Shane Blancett (SSGT USAF disabled vet Honorably Discharged)¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,

Alastair Ronal Kester Aeyalweard ()xxxx[]::::::::::::::::::>*
Olde Squire to Viscount Syr Raim y Hynnddyll 5th Viscount of Drachenwald
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Nullum beneficium impune fit!


Attachment(s) from Shane B

2 of 2 Photo(s)

Blizzard Exec #1: Fellow board members, we have a problem. Somebody in the world of warcraft is ignoring the world rules, and is going around, killing innocent players.
Blizzard Exec #2: Why kill innocent players? The game is about finishing quests!
Blizzard Exec #3: We've got to delete him from the servers!
Blizzard Exec #1: We can't! Whoever this player is, he has played world of warcraft so much, that he has reached a level we had thought unreachable. He's actually able to kill our admins! And he grows stronger everyday...
Blizzard Exec #4: Jesus!
Blizzard Exec #5: I've gotta get home! My kids are playing world of warcraft right now!
Blizzard Exec #1: Jim... Your kids' characters are already dead.
Blizzard Exec #5: No... No! They'd just started playing!
Blizzard Exec #2: What kind of person would do this?
Blizzard Exec #1: Only one kind... Whoever this person is, he has played world of warcraft nearly ever hour, of every day, for the past year and a half. Gentlemen we are dealing with someone here who has absolutely no life.
Blizzard Exec #4: How do you kill that which has no life?


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