Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Patch 3.32 Final


I am not Shane but we are on Madoran server (PVE) and have both alliance and horde guilds. Mainly on alliance :) Look for Gnyriece or Lydyia :)


---- Dave Becker <k7prz@isp.com> wrote:

What server you guys playing on now? And guild name? I need to get a real notebook and start writing things down. lol


Blizzard Exec #1: Fellow board members, we have a problem. Somebody in the world of warcraft is ignoring the world rules, and is going around, killing innocent players.
Blizzard Exec #2: Why kill innocent players? The game is about finishing quests!
Blizzard Exec #3: We've got to delete him from the servers!
Blizzard Exec #1: We can't! Whoever this player is, he has played world of warcraft so much, that he has reached a level we had thought unreachable. He's actually able to kill our admins! And he grows stronger everyday...
Blizzard Exec #4: Jesus!
Blizzard Exec #5: I've gotta get home! My kids are playing world of warcraft right now!
Blizzard Exec #1: Jim... Your kids' characters are already dead.
Blizzard Exec #5: No... No! They'd just started playing!
Blizzard Exec #2: What kind of person would do this?
Blizzard Exec #1: Only one kind... Whoever this person is, he has played world of warcraft nearly ever hour, of every day, for the past year and a half. Gentlemen we are dealing with someone here who has absolutely no life.
Blizzard Exec #4: How do you kill that which has no life?


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