Wednesday, January 20, 2010

[World_of_Warcraft_List] Top 100 – #9 WoW keeps snowballing. | Sarcastic Gamer

Top 100 – #9 WoW keeps snowballing.

January 2nd, 2009 at 10:05 am · No Comments

by animathias


This article was late. Why? I could go into a number of excuses including family, friends, and work, but deep down lies the grand-daddy of procrastinating excuses: World of Warcraft. That's not to say I do nothing but play WoW, but I'm quite certain that some of my time leveling my Night Elf Hunter could have been spent working on this article.

But I digress.

World of Warcraft has been around since 2004, and since its introduction to the MMO market, it has broken records left and right as its population overtook that of a small countries. As of December, 2008, Blizzard released their most recent subscription numbers, boasting that World of Warcraft was home to 11.5 million active subscribers.

Too bad the only records they break with population anymore is their own. You can find more after the break.

Until January, 2007, the fastest selling PC game of all time was a title reserved for games and expansions in the Sims franchise. Blizzard quickly put an end to the Sims' reign by releasing The Burning Crusade, the first expansion for World of Warcraft, which sold 2.4 million copies in North America its first day, easily becoming the fastest selling PC game of all time.

So what could possibly usurp The Burning Crusade's title? Wrath of the Lich King, of course. When Wrath was released in November of 2008, it sold 2.8 million copies in the first day. Of course, when you compare 2.8 million sales to their 11 million subscribers, you have to wonder what the other 9 million people were doing on release day. We could have completely demolished this record, making sure no game ever sold faster than a World of Warcraft expansion. But oh well, it's going to take a very top-tier game to overtake many of WoW's records.

Continuing to grow and shatter records when you're a 4-year old game is why World of Warcraft is #9 on our list of the Top Gaming Moments of 2008.



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