Wednesday, January 20, 2010

[World_of_Warcraft_List] 90. WoW! Smells Like Somethin’s Burning | Sarcastic Gamer

90. WoW! Smells Like Somethin's Burning

December 19th, 2007 at 8:00 am · No Comments

by PacManPolarBear

Sarcastic Gamer Top 100 Countdown


Top Gaming Moment # 90: January 16th, 2007

Source: GameSpot, Metacritic

World of Warcraft, the most successful and addictive MMO in history solidified its hold on red bull drinking, carpal tunnel wrist brace wearing wannabe elves on January 16th, 2007. With the release of WoW's first expansion, The Burning Crusade, any hope that WoW addiction could be overcome was gone.

Find out why all hope was lost and why it made the list, after the jump!

The expansion sold 2.4 million copies in the first 24 hours, with rabid WoW fanboys lining up over night at stores in full Orc/Elf regalia so they could return home and begin gaming before the dreaded light of the outside world could hit their delicate shut-in skin. By the end of the month the expansion had set the one month record for most PC games ever sold (3.5 million). The expansion pushed WoW subscriptions past 8.5 million world wide by the first week of March. Burning Crusade received rave reviews from all corners, nabbing a 91 on Metacritic.

Since then no other title has even come close to taking away WoW's crown as king of the MMO's. We still suffer to this day from lame WoW comparisons to every fantasy game, excuses from one time friends who cannot spare the time to go out because they need "just one more level" and obscene amounts of hemorrhoid and acne cream have been sold as a result.

That's why the release of WoW's Burning Crusade checks in at number 90 in our top 100 Gaming moments of 2007.



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