Sunday, September 6, 2009

[World_of_Warcraft_List] Just Got Wicked [Wicked Graphics, free graphics, cute graphics, myspace]

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May 5th, 2009

It's been over a year now. We haven't done much with the site since last year. And we're hoping to change the format of the site. We'll leave the current content, and add some new things. It won't come fast, but please enjoy what we have while you wait.

March 21st, 2008

We'd like to wish everyone a Happy Easter.

March 07th, 2008

Welcome to ©

So here we are, opening day for ©. My Wife and I have spent weeks setting things up and learning HTML, CSS, and Photoshop. We're what you might consider novices, but we hope you enjoy the things we've created. All our creations are protected by copyright based on what we read at However, feel free to display/link them for your MySpace or forums or whatever you can use them for. The only thing we ask, is that you do not change/edit them in any way.

Every page may not have content right away, so bear with us as we fill the site.

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