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[World_of_Warcraft_List] Casual WoW - A World of Warcraft Blog: May 2006

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Casual WoW - A World of Warcraft Blog  

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Mini Diablo

Mini Diablo Icon
If you bought the Collector's Edition of Diablo you had the opportunity of getting the Mini Diablo as a non-combat pet. Further, in the patch notes for Patch 1.10 this tiny little note showed up:
"The Diablo Stone now has a unique icon."

Previously it looked like the Citrine gem icon.
Now it looks something like what you see here: Diablo and his Stone In the lower right hand corner of the screenshot you see that it now looks like something along the lines of a blood red sea shell.

Frankly, although the new icon is unique, I rather liked the old one. It reminded me of the very end of Diablo I. (I had just played and finally conquered this entire game to heroically save this SoulStone from the forces of evil, only to be rewarded with an animation where I SHOVE IT FULL FORCE INTO MY FOREHEAD! (more info here.))

Anyway, my trauma aside, Mini Diablo does two interesting things. He periodically will spout fire. I was starting this new character and talking to a quest giver and I look over and see this:
Diablo Spouting Fire
Don't mind me, Mini-D. I'm just negotiating a way to pay for our next meal.
He just spouts off whenever he feels like it. We were running out of Ironforge and suddenly he wasn't next to me. I turned around and saw why here: (Note, there's that Ironforge cannon in the background.)

The second thing he does is to periodically hop up with a very "weightless" air about him. This animated gif makes it appear that he's hopping whenever I'm not looking, but it was actually just one extended jump:

Posted by Delaney at 6:43 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Doing my Duty in Westfall

While I was in Westfall I did my elder duties (although being a 22 in Westfall barely qualifies, frankly) and took out every Dust Devil I saw.

As far as I know there's no quest for those Devils and they're just there to kill you and piss you off. If you encounter one of those on your jaunt from here to there, you are dead before your dusty corpse hits the ground. Anyone who's had the pleasure knows what I mean...

So I killed them. I killed them all....

Posted by Delaney at 7:34 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Monday, May 29, 2006


[] pointed out a contest over at where you can win a "Gurky" (baby murloc) pet. All you have to do is send an email, but hurry - it ends May 31st!

(This is my picture of Murky, I was too lazy to go get a pic of Gurky, who apparently has blue fins.)

Posted by Delaney at 11:47 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Diseased Murk-Eye

During Children's week I had to take my orphan to the lighthouse in Westfall. I didn't realize I hadn't done the lighthouse keeper's quests with this character yet . So I went back the other day to finish them. But to my surprise, when I fought Murk-Eye he whipped up this weird disease which I swear he did not have before. []
Luckily I do my questing solo so I didn't really have anyone to shoo me away in my diseased form.

Posted by Delaney at 11:32 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Category Tags: Observations

Sunday, May 28, 2006

LFG: Ogre

As you get in line for the Shrek 4D experience you see WANTED posters for many creatures from the forest in the queue area. They made me think of those quests you find from wanted posters within World of Warcraft. One of my favorites is featured here, Hogger. It's side by side with a wanted photo from the ride: []
And here I've pasted it together with the wanted poster for Shrek himself:

Based on the size of the line he looked to be only a 100-person raid group (it was a light day at the park).

For more information on the attraction visit or the website.

Posted by Delaney at 12:53 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Category Tags: WoW Tourism

Thursday, May 25, 2006


The Sailing Ship Columbia is an attraction in Disneyland that is simply that. A big ol' boat that you take in a small circle around an area of the park (it's more of an "experience" than a "ride"). The collage of pictures below are some of those from the boat rides at both Disney and in Azeroth. The good news about the ride at Disney is that the boat doesn't disappear suddenly in the middle of the lake and leave everyone to suddenly drop into the waters like it does in WoW.


More information on this attraction can be found at the Disneyland website.

Posted by Delaney at 7:02 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Category Tags: WoW Tourism

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Rotating Tunnel

My favorite attraction at Universal was the Studio Tour. At one point on the tour the tram drives through a very disorienting tunnel which has been used in several films and it seems, has also been used as the entrance to the Deeprun Tram. Here's a shot from the Bionic Man episode when it was an "ice tunnel," side by side with the entrance to the Deeprun tram:

[]  I couldn't resist putting Steve Austin into Azeroth, heheh.

More information about the Tunnel/Studio Tour at thestudiotour and universalstudios.

Posted by Delaney at 6:51 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Category Tags: WoW Tourism

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Booty Bay vs. Water World

While we were at Universal Studios we saw the Water World show (which I recommend by the way; it was fun). Here's my comparison of that set (as seen from the stands waiting for the show to begin) to Booty Bay:

They both even have that same tallest tower to the right of the center and extended area to the right of that. Find out more about the WaterWorld attraction at these websites: and

p.s. It was great fun to try out the "Photomerge" feature of Photoshop which is how I got so much in one picture.

Posted by Delaney at 6:47 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Category Tags: WoW Tourism

Monday, May 22, 2006

WoW is a Theme Park

The week I was away, I was at a conference for my job but I also took a few days to visit some theme parks in California. Previously you may have seen the Universal Studios' Jaws or the Disney's Animal Kingdom comparisons I made in this blog. Well get set for a few more as in the next few days I will compare:
Posted by Delaney at 6:12 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Category Tags: WoW Tourism

Sunday, May 21, 2006

CD Cover Contest Winners

Blizzard announced the winners of the CD Cover contest.

[] These were so well done I have to give some commentary to point out some of the best stuff I saw:

Best Photoshopping:
  • James Bind gets kudos for all those typical spy activities (like the sub and the shark and the tux) in the cover.
  • [] Feastie Boys. In a tough, tough decision, I had to pick this as the best in photoshopping. Just look at that detail with the watches and the hand's gripping the radio.

Favorite Song Titles
Cover Emulations:
WoWVana and Meet the Horde! get credit in my book for the comparisons to the titles they emulated. []

Posted by Delaney at 10:30 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Category Tags: Contests

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Server Refugee Chaos

Last night a number of servers crashed. So their refugee players started alts on new servers. The newbie zones were so crowded that players who were actually trying to do the quests couldn't find enough of the wolves, etc.. to kill for their quests.

But this post isn't about the players who were trying to level up their alt. It's about the Chaos. And it was chaos. These are some screen shots the a few moments where I remembered to take them:

Nudist Parade:

Pirate/Ninja Bar:

Posted by Delaney at 7:12 PM 0 comments Links to this post

Friday, May 19, 2006


I found each of these three different colored Rams on the long trek between Menethil Harbor and Ironforge and photoshopped them together into one shot. There's something about that little nook of Azeroth that I like (apart from the whole "can I make it through without being killed" thing when you're running a low level character through just to get the flight path).


Posted by Delaney at 6:45 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Category Tags: Observations

Thursday, May 18, 2006

You're Playing Right Now

I love the last panel of this WoW Penny Arcade comic.

Posted by Delaney at 6:40 AM 0 comments Links to this post

Category Tags: Comics

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Walk of a Sentinel Video

I just found this video:

Walk of a Sentinel

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