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[World_of_Warcraft_List] Nozdormu
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Nozdormu the Timeless

Title The Timeless One, The Timeless, The Lord of Time, Lord of the Centuries, Master of Time, Dragon of the Ages
Gender Male
Race Bronze wyrm (Dragonkin)
Level ?? Boss
Affiliation Bronze dragonflight, Dragon Aspects, Wyrmrest Accord
Occupation Aspect of the bronze dragonflight, guardian of Azeroth's timestreams
Location Briefly appears at the Bronze Dragonshrine, Dragonblight and Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal
Status Eternal, Active
Relative(s) Soridormi (prime consort), Anachronos (son, heir)

Level: ??
Briefly appears at the Bronze Dragonshrine, Dragonblight and Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal
Nozdormu the Timeless is one of the five Great Aspects empowered by the titans to watch over Azeroth. He fought against the demons during the War of the Ancients. Following this intervention, he retreated into seclusion, immersing himself in his duties. He emerges only infrequently, when events require his direct presence. He intervened in the defeat of Deathwing at the hands of Krasus and his allies, one of the few times he has been seen in the skies of Azeroth.
The Ordering of Azeroth
When the titans left Azeroth, they charged the greatest species of the world with the task of watching over Kalimdor. Of all the dragonflights, five of them held dominion over their brethren. These were the blue, red, black, green and bronze flights. Aman'Thul, the Highfather of the Pantheon, bestowed a portion of his cosmic power upon the massive bronze dragon Nozdormu. The Highfather empowered him to guard time itself and police the ever-spinning pathways of fate and destiny. The stoic, honorable Nozdormu became known as the Timeless One. He had also been granted by his creators with the knowledge of his own demise. That had been given as a lesson, so that he would never think his power so great and terrible that he had to answer to no other. Nozdormu knows exactly how and when he will perish.[1]The War of the Ancients
This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft novels or short stories.Nozdormu in Warcraft Legends.
Shortly after the end of the Third War, the human mage Rhonin was called away, once again, by his friend and mentor, the dragon-mage Krasus of the Kirin Tor. Nozdormu, trapped between different times, had barely managed to contact Krasus and draw his attention to a strange anomaly in the mountains of Kalimdor. Krasus convinced Rhonin to travel with him to Kalimdor to investigate. Meanwhile, the orcs Broxigar and Gaskal were sent by their Warchief Thrall on a similar mission, having caught wind of the strange event taking place nearby. Once there, Krasus, Rhonin, and Brox discovered a 'hole' in time. They were pulled in and ended up 10,000 years in the past, just before the first invasion of the Burning Legion.
The events of the War of the Ancients are further described in the War of the Ancients Trilogy. During the conflict, Nozdormu's interests were represented by his Prime Mate, Soridormi. At the end of the war, Nozdormu escaped after the timeline had been set right and assisted the other Dragon Aspects with the creation of the World Tree, Nordrassil. Nozdormu placed an enchantment upon it to ensure that as long as the colossal tree stood, the night elves would never age past their prime. Afterward, he had a brief conversation with Krasus, where he thanked the him for his assistance, and agreed to temporarily watch over the clutch of blue dragon eggs the dragon-mage had saved. This marked one of the few (if not the only) times the Aspect had allowed the timeline to altered, in the belief that a few blue dragons would be better than no blue dragons and then apologised for the wrongs he would commit in the future.
The Second War
This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft novels or short stories.During the Second War, the orcish warlock Nekros managed to get a hold of the Demon Soul. He used it to enslave Alexstrasza, the Queen of the red dragonflight, and force her brood to serve the orcs. It was eventually destroyed at Grim Batol by the mage Rhonin, who had obtained a scale from Deathwing himself (Since Deathwing was the only dragon not to add his power, his matter was the only thing that could harm the object). Nozdormu, convinced by Ysera (who had been appealed to by Krasus) to help, finally aided the other Aspects in chasing off Deathwing after the Demon Soul was destroyed.
The Third War
In Shadows & Light
Nozdormu had no real involvement in the second invasion of the Burning Legion, but he did make a choice that affects the world still today. When the mortal races banded together and made a last stand at Mount Hyjal, the World Tree was sacrificed to destroy Archimonde, the night elves once again became mortal. The druids, led by Fandral Staghelm, created a new World Tree off the coast of Kalimdor and named it Teldrassil, however, this tree did not receive Nozdormu's, or any other Aspect's, blessing.
Burning Crusade
This section concerns content exclusive to The Burning Crusade.Nozdormu is currently away on a quest, and his whereabouts are unknown. Ruling the Bronze flight in his stead are Anachronos (leader of the Brood Of Nozdormu), Prime Consort Soridormi (leader of the Scale of the Sands), and Andormu and his sister Nozari (leaders of the Keepers of Time).
Wrath of the Lich King
This section concerns content exclusive to Wrath of the Lich King.Nozdormu at the Bronze Dragonshrine.
Though absent for most of the plot, Nozdormu is seen briefly at the Bronze Dragonshrine during the quests [75] Mystery of the Infinite and [80] Mystery of the Infinite, Redux, where he appears in a ghost state in conflict with the Infinite dragonflight.
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects
This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft novels or short stories.Following Ysera's instructions Thrall and a Green Dragon named Desharin travelled to the Caverns of Time, and became aware that even the Bronze Dragonflight do not know where Nozdormu is. Thrall however becomes aware of the Infinite Dragonflight, and is told that his escape from Durnholde Keep was one such example of the Infinite Dragonflight's attack. So Thrall and Desharin attempted to mediate on helping the Bronze dragons to find Nozdormu when an assassin - later to be revealed as Blackmoore - decapitates the green dragon. Thrall was rescued by a Bronze and hurled into one of the Caverns of Time portals. After a few adventures in different timelines Thrall asked the elements to help him find Nozdormu. In that moment, an image of the Timeless One appeared before him, beckoning Thrall forward. He appeared in different times of his life, and each time, an image of Nozdormu was present in that specific "timeline." Finally, he found himself into an alternate timeline. After a spirited conversation, Thrall came to the realization that there are not multiple timelines, but only one. One past, one present, and one future. He realized that Nozdormu must be trapped in all moments of time at once, and that he now knew where to find him. He closed his eyes and found himself outside of the Timeline, floating in space but not-space, with infinite portals to the timeline around him. He found himself back in the Caverns of Time with Nozdormu, and on each one of the Timeless One's scales was a portal to a moment in Thrall's past, present, and future. Nozdormu came to the realization that he became lost in time after Thrall's alternating between various events of his life, some that have happened, some that should have never happened. Nozdormu then told Thrall that every single event in Azeroth's history, all the harm that came to the Aspects, the Emerald Nightmare, the madness of Neltharion and Malygos, are all intertwined, orchestrated by the same dark hand. Nozdormu became stuck in time while trying to figure out who was responsible for it and to prevent it. And he realized, that the one responsible for sending Blackmoore after Thrall was himself. Nozdormu explained that in one of the potential futures, he will become the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight. He further explained that he had not yet figured out how to stop himself from becoming the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight, but made it abundantly clear that he did not wish to become it. So Nozdormu told Thrall that his next task must be to rouse Alexstrasza from her grief of losing Korialstrasz. She couldn't get over the fact that Korialstrasz would have destroyed the Chamber of the Aspects.
Later during the Aspects fight against Chromatus the Bronze dragons, with Nozdormu at their front, joined the battle. However, the first thing the Timeless One urged was they all had to retreat, stating that if they had persisted, they all would have died as he had seen this in the timelines. As they fled, Nozdormu explained that they were all born as a part of something whole. And they realized that they were only four parts out of five, and as long as the fifth part remained empty, they would not be able to defeat Chromatus. So Thrall offered to give his spirit of Earth in the battle with Chromatus, so that all five spirits of the Aspects were whole once more. The four Aspects renewed their attack upon Chromatus after the ritual, but this time with a much more unified power. With their combined power Chromatus fell, lifeless, to the ground. The Aspects attempted to destroy the husk of Chromatus, but were unable to do so. Kalecgos stated that Malygos created a number of Arcane Prisons during the Nexus War, and Alexstrasza decided that representatives from all the flights will watch over him, as he is not dead.
After the battle Nozdormu took the time to explain that in one of the future timeways, he becomes the leader of the Infinite Dragonflight. Stunned, the three other Aspect listened as Nozdormu explained why he was late to the final battle: He was following another thread of information. He discovered who was behind the vast and dreadful conspiracy: The Old Gods. Nozdormu confirmed that they caused all of the horrible events against the Dragonflights and Azeroth. He stated that he believes even himself becoming the Infinite Dragonflight leader in one timeline is the cause of the Old Gods. Ysera told them all that they need to continue to fight as one, in order to avoid the Hour of Twilight. Before Thrall left, each of the Aspects gave him a scale from their hides, representing what he had done for each of them. The Bronze dragon Tick told Thrall that whenever he needs the aid of the Dragonflights, he can use the scales.
Rage of the Firelands
This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.Nozdormu in humanoid form at Nordrassil.
Nozdormu appears as himself in Patch 4.2 during the Elemental Bonds questline intro. He is present during the meeting to restore the world tree along with Ysera, Alexstrasza, Kalecgos, Malfurion, Thrall and Aggra.
After Thrall's wedding he says to players when you click on him:
- Yes, <class>, things appear bleak. But know that even as things appear to unravel, they do so with greater purpose.
- <Despite his comforting words, Nozdormu looks stricken, if not ill.>
- <Despite his comforting words, Nozdormu looks stricken, if not ill.>
End Time
The Dragon Aspects, with allegiance from Thrall, have devised a dangerous and unorthodox strategy to bring Deathwing down once and for all. But to do so, they must acquire the Dragon Soul from a pivotal moment in the distant past. One of an infinite number of potential outcomes, the "End Time"-timeway depicts the desolate future of Azeroth should its defenders fail to stop Deathwing. In this bleak future, Nozdormu has identified an anomaly that bars access to both the past and the Dragon Soul: a powerful creature from out of time, living alone amid time-twisted echoes of the past. In order for Nozdormu to provide you the ability to travel back in time to a point before the Dragon Soul was hidden by Malfurion Stormrage from anyone who'd seek its power, heroes must first go to a distant and desolate future to discover the anomaly blocking the past. The maniacal figure named Murozond blocking Nozdormu's vision has the ability to create a new and infinite dragonflight.[2]Muruzond is in fact the future version of Nozdormu whom will inevitably go mad and try to interfere with the past, thus his past self will send us heroes in to the future to strike him down. Right after the heroes slayed Muruzond Nozdormu told them: "At last it has come to pass. The moment of my demise. The loop is closed. My future self will cause no more harm from this day on. Still, in the future, I will... fall to madness. And you, heroes... will vanquish me. The cycle will repeat. So it goes. What matters is that Azeroth did not fall; that humanity survived to live another day. All that matters... is this moment."
In the RPG
This section concerns content exclusive to the Warcraft RPG and is considered non-canon.Nozdormu is a slim and sinuous bronze dragon, with scales of a metallic golden-brown color, and can arrange sand to conform to his body, cementing into one definite form. His eyes are made from gemstones, the color of the sun. He moves with a speed and grace belied by his monstrous form. Curiously, his position seems to change from moment to moment, as though its location in space were constantly in flux.[3]
Nozdormu is tasked with ensuring that the flow of time occurs normally, without interruption, and that events happen as they are fated. To accomplish this mission, Nozdormu knows much about the nature of time. He uses his abilities and powers to prevent others from discovering these same secrets. Should a sorcerer or other mortal being begin to delve too deeply into magic that alters or affects time, Nozdormu always steps in to remove the threat, one way or another. Nozdormu is closely associated with time itself and is the very soul of patience. He has few worshippers, save perhaps among the night elves who wish to become once again timeless themselves. He pays no attention to those who venerate him, neither accepting nor disapproving of their efforts. Nozdormu lives in the Caverns of Time, a closely guarded complex located deep in the Tanaris Desert. Those who venture there and get past the bronze dragon sentinels rarely emerge unchanged. Some age, or become so youthful they are but infants. Others are lost in time and return decades or even centuries later. There are even legends of some who leave the caverns before they even enter![4]
Nozdormu is difficult to defeat because of his ability to look into the corridors of time and repeat events if they do not progress as he feels they should. He is extremely wise and uses his insight to determine the best course of action before proceeding. Should this fail, he simply tries again as necessary, or uses his power to avoid the encounter entirely. Nozdormu can take any form he desires, as though constantly under the effects of a shapechange spell. He frequently takes on the role of a humanoid creature and travels incognito as a simple commoner or peon. When doing this, the only consistent trait he displays is the absence of any need to hurry. [5]
Memorable Quotes
- "Korialstraszzzz ... You dare disturb my resst? You dare disssturb my peace?"
- "Ssso much to gather, ssso much to catalog-" (Before Malygos mocks him)
- "Even Deathwing will pass into time... even he will eventually be part... of my collection..."
- "Just in Time..."
- "We musssst not let him ssssslip away!" (when Deathwing flees)
- "Enough babble! Let ussss be done with thisss!" (ready to aid Rhonin, Vereesa and Falstad)
- "We're wassssting time... Precioussssss time."
- "Compared to all elssse that has happened, it isss a sssmall change to the time line and one of which I approve. The bluesss will fly the skies again, even though their numberss will not be great even after ten thousand yearsss. But better sssome, than none."
- "I know what you hide from her, from usss. It is my fate and curssse to know such things and be unable myssself to prevent them. Know that I now asssk for forgiveness for the wrongs I will caussse you in the future, but I mussst be what I am destined to be... as Malygos is." (speaking to Krasus, referring to Deathwing's impending betrayal)
- "Time is precious, sister. Let us see to our ritual." (To Ysera in patch 4.2,in the intro to the Elemental Bonds questline)
- "It was given unto me to know the very hour and method of my own death. I would never ssubvert it. But only one of the pathwaysss to my destiny can be correct. And in one unfolding future, I became the leader of the infinite dragonflight. That was why I became lost in the timewaysss, Thrall. I was ssseeking understanding of how such a thing came to be. How I, who have always striven to honor the great duty the titans charged me with, could have fallen so far astray." (to Thrall)
- During his appearance at the start of the Elemental Bonds quest chain Nozdormu is seen wielding a
[Staff of Dominance].
- Like Ysera, Nozdormu currently uses a generic dragon model which is assumed to be a placeholder.
- Nozdormu also appears as the backdrop for the 'Statistics' tab of the Achievements window, if you look carefully.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
[World_of_Warcraft_List] Gnome Warrior WoW figure
Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: WOW world of warcraft Warglaive of Azzinoth
O RLY?? :)
I would have NEVER guessed that mate!
I believe there is a a twin that is labeled "off-hand":
- Aaron
--- In, Shane B <shaneb@...> wrote:
> Thanks Aaron
> Hmmmmm for a 'legendary' weapon is it just me or does it look a bit
> underwhelming? It says that it is a "main hand" weapon so doesn't
> that mean that you cannot equip a second one in your off hand?
> Alastair
> >This is a "real" in-game weapon. It is one of the few items in the
> >game that has a Legendary status denoted by the orange text (as
> >opposed to poor - gray, common - white, uncommon - green, rare -
> >blue, epic - purple, or artifact/heirloom - lightgold colored text).
> >
> >Here's the link to the WoWHead info on the Warglaive of Azzinoth:
> >
> >
> >
> >It is the weapon used by Illidan Stormrage (Burning Crusade end
> >boss) and can be dual-wielded.
> >
> > - Aaron
> >
> >
> >
> >--- In, Shane B <shaneb@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Is this for real? I have never heard of this in game weapon.
> > >
> > > Gnarly
> > >
> > >
> > > WOW world of warcraft Warglaive of Azzinoth
> > >
> > >
> >
[World_of_Warcraft_List] Transmogrification Rules
And HERE are the RULES
Edited by Kaivax on 9/19/11 8:14 PM (PDT) Since we announced the transmogrification feature coming to World of Warcraft with patch 4.3, we have monitored thousands of follow-up comments, questions and suggestions from players all over the world.
What follows is our current list of rules for transmogrification. This is a set of rules that we expect to change over time, and is not intended to be 100% comprehensive, but we hope that it can be referenced to answer most questions that players currently have about what they can and cannot expect to be able to do with transmogrification.
The character must be able to equip both items.
Only uncommon (green), rare (blue) or epic (purple) items may be transmogrified. (exceptions: a select few of these items will be prevented from being used to transmogrify if they are inappropriate)
Items must share the same armor type (examples: plate for plate, cloth for cloth)
Weapons must be the same weapon type (exceptions: Guns, Crossbows, or Bows)
Guns, Crossbows, and Bows can be used to transmogrify Guns, Crossbows, or Bows.
Main hand weapons can only be used to transmogrify Main hand weapons.
Off-hand weapons can only be used to transmogrify Off-hand weapons.
One handed weapons can be used to transmogrify a Main hand or Off-hand weapon.
Using an item for transmogrify makes it soulbound.
Using an item for transmogrify makes it non-refundable.
Using an item for transmogrify makes it non-tradable.
Heirlooms and Account Bound items can be transmogrified.
Heirlooms and Account Bound items can be used to transmogrify.
Legendary items cannot be transmogrified.
Legendary items cannot be used to transmogrify.
Fishing Poles cannot be transmogrified.
Fishing Poles cannot be used to transmogrify.
Mailing an item strips its transmogrification.
Placing an item in Void Storage strips its transmogrification.
Vendoring an item strips its transmogrification.
The displayed enchant will be that of the currently equipped item.
There may be individual items that are excluded from being transmogrified on the basis that they were originally added to the game as absurdities. (examples: a weapon that looks like a fish, or a chest piece that is invisible)
[World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: WOW world of warcraft Warglaive of Azzinoth
I believe there is a a twin that is labeled "off-hand":
- Aaron
--- In, Shane B <shaneb@...> wrote:
> Thanks Aaron
> Hmmmmm for a 'legendary' weapon is it just me or does it look a bit
> underwhelming? It says that it is a "main hand" weapon so doesn't
> that mean that you cannot equip a second one in your off hand?
> Alastair
> >This is a "real" in-game weapon. It is one of the few items in the
> >game that has a Legendary status denoted by the orange text (as
> >opposed to poor - gray, common - white, uncommon - green, rare -
> >blue, epic - purple, or artifact/heirloom - lightgold colored text).
> >
> >Here's the link to the WoWHead info on the Warglaive of Azzinoth:
> >
> >
> >
> >It is the weapon used by Illidan Stormrage (Burning Crusade end
> >boss) and can be dual-wielded.
> >
> > - Aaron
> >
> >
> >
> >--- In, Shane B <shaneb@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Is this for real? I have never heard of this in game weapon.
> > >
> > > Gnarly
> > >
> > >
> > > WOW world of warcraft Warglaive of Azzinoth
> > >
> > >
> >
> > >
[World_of_Warcraft_List] 4.3 Preview - Transmogrification
This sounds pretty cool!
4.3 Preview - Transmogrification
by Bashiok Aug 17, 2011 9:00 AM PDT 17072
You've been asking for it, and we were listening. In patch 4.3 you'll be able to customize the appearance of your weapons and armor like never before.The Ethereals, emerging from the nether, will bring with them a new technology they call Transmogrification. They're heading to the capital cities of Azeroth to set up shop and to offer adventurers a unique service -- copying the appearance of one magical item onto another. They only ask for a modest gold donation to recoup their costs.Visiting a Transmogrifier will present players with a new interface that will allow them to change the appearance of an item while retaining its original stats. This means that you can raid in your paladin tier 12 Immolation set, but look like you're wearing Lightbringer, while priests can bring Benediction back -- at least in spirit. Hunters can once again roam the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale in their tier 2 Dragonstalker set. You could even slip into the saucy tailored Black Mageweave set for that matter. You know, with the thigh highs, and the little gloves, and the cute little
Placing an item into the Transmogrifier interface will offer a preview of how the item will appear once the change is applied. However, not all item pairings are compatible with Transmogrification. In general, only items that have stats can be used in the transmogrification process. You must also be able to wear both items when using this service. Ethereals don't have much in the way of ethics, but allowing someone to appear as if they're equipping unusable items crosses the line. Similarly, they won't allow you to change weapon or armor types. Sneaky death knights can't make that breastplate look like a cloth robe, and you can't make a one-handed axe look like a two-handed axe, or transform a sword's appearance into that of a mace. Guns, bows, and crossbows will be the exception to this rule. You will finally be able to retain your dwarf's racial gun bonus while appearing with all the splendor and elegance of a bow wielder (or at least the relative silence of one).
Placing items into the Transmogrify interface will increase the gold cost of the process, and clicking the Transmogrify button (assuming you have the necessary funds) will put the appearance change into effect. The process can be reversed by clicking the undo icon on each item, and then hitting the Transmogrify button once more to save the changes. Any item that's transmogrified will have text indicating it's been altered by the process for all to see, similar to the item tooltip callout for reforged items.
Transmogrification encourages players to hold onto items with sentimental or aesthetic value, and the Ethereals anticipate that personal bag and bank space will be at a premium now that everyone will be hoarding their frilly pantaloons and leather jerkins. In anticipation of this new demand for additional storage space, they'll be introducing a unique Void Storage service. What's Void Storage, you ask? We'll provide more details soon.
We're looking forward to seeing how players choose to customize their character's appearance, and hope you're as excited as we are for the arrival of patch 4.3 and the Transmogrification feature. Do you have a favorite set or weapon that you'll be bringing back? Let us know in the comments below.