Monday, June 28, 2010

Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Private Servers


Last fall, my oldest son decided to try out one of the private did I.  It wasn't what we had hoped was people who couldn't pay for retail (usually kids who couldn't get their parents to pay for retail), people who had the money to pay but didn't want to and instead paid for a toon that was instantly 80 and then bought ubber gear on the private server.  To me it defeats the purpose of the game.  I like leveling, its how to learn the class your leveling.
I quit when I kept getting one shot by the opposite faction, who was pretty much wearing Lich King gear.  It was an unfair fight to say the least. 
So I went back to retail and vowed to NEVER bother with private servers again.   There is just something to be said for the game experience on retail.  Yes, there are many bugged quests on private servers...who needs all the quests when you get 15X the experience as on retail? 
If you are a will have a much harder time finding a private server that has the instances scripted even close to retail.  To me it just wasn't worth my time...whether I was unemployed with nothing better to do or working and saving that $15 a month. 
So it depends on why you are looking to play on a private server...its definitely not the same as playing on retail.
Just my 2 cents,
Calliophea-Holy Paladin(Mal ganis)

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