Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Thanks for the invite!



Glad to have you with us!

Shane/Alystir the happy gnonme warlock
List Janitore

HI! Been looking for place to socialize, talk about WOW and give and get help with the game.  None of my friends play and my husband has to sit at a computer all day so gaming is not for him but he's supportive.  He's a musician so he's gone a lot doing what he enjoys too.

I enjoy questing, Achievements, crafting and making money in AH!  Keeps me out of eBAY! I've been in some excellent, fun guilds but they seem to disintegrate.  Noticed a big exit when players reach 80.  I've been playing casually for a long time but my Main and highest level is a rogue lvl 60. Not interested in statistics or end game content.  I'm still learning! 

Have a bunch of toons cause I'm interested in everything!  Doing the Exploration Achievements now so I can see everywhere before the Cataclysm explansion changes the world.  I look forward to getting to know you all.

Malley lvl 60 Rogue
Cherez lvl 32 Hunter
Lyndru lvl 33 Druid
Mynish lvl 23 Paladin
Wexford lvl 5 Warrior

Have couple more I'm using for bank and have a Death Knight but I did one level and didn't like it so she's just gonna sit there! lol

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1 comment:

  1. The psychological influence of video games on human beings particularly among the youths are very strong. The online video games are not only valuable to sharpen minds but also paves the way for innovation. This is a good blog description about WOW(World of Warcraft) I think we should search for good video games for rent in case of any problems of financial affordability.
