Thursday, March 18, 2010

[World_of_Warcraft_List] Re: Hey


Thanks Shane!!! Your kind words are always good to hear. But mind you, a good Guild Leader is one who has good officers and friends to keep him in line :)

Anyway, I found a quick few minutes to create a toon on the server you guys are playing on (at work and can't remember the name of it). The name is Tenza and she's a little mage that is I think level 8 right now. Those first few levels go so fast these days.

I will try to be on late tonight, but for sure tomorrow and maybe I will catch one of you. Don't know how much time I'll have to play this toon though. Believe it or not, my grandson has been playing and he loves it when his grandpa chases him around and duels him :).


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