Friday, January 8, 2010

[World_of_Warcraft_List] Today In History: Saturday January 9, 2010


Good Morning!  It is Saturday January 9, 2010

On this day...

   In 0309 Death of St. Marciana
   In 0639 Death of Dagobert, King of the Franks
   In 0650 Death of St. Finian
   In 0710 Death of St. Adrian of Canterbury
   In 1324 Death of Marco Polo
   In 1349 Basle's entire community of Jews is burned
   In 1514 Death of Duchess Anne, last Breton Sovreign
   In 1522 Adrian VI becomes Pope
   In 1529 Death of Wang Yang-Ming
   In 1539 Denis Zachaire, Alchemist, arrives in Paris for the first time
   In 1558 Geneva becomes independent of Berne
   In 1569 St. Philip of Moscow, Primate of the Russian Church,
           is killed by Ivan the Terrible
   In 1570 Massacre of Novgorod begun by Ivan the Terrible
   In 1626 Peter Minuit sets sail from Amsterdam to Manhattan,
           which he later purchased from the Indians

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