Thursday, January 28, 2010

[World_of_Warcraft_List] Save The Murlocs - worth a repeat!

Never stops being funny to me!

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Welcome to
The Save the Murlocs Foundation aims to preserve and protect these majestic creatures. Through numerous awareness and outreach programs, we work to outlaw Murloc cruelty, help rebuild villages, protest part harvesting, and find homes for poor orphaned baby Murlocs.

Remember, you CAN make a difference. Spread the word and support the cause!
D.E.H.T.A. stands for Druids for the Ethical and Humane Treatment of Animals.
More fun facts will be coming soon and you're going to write them!
Adopt your very own talking Murloc and receive a special adoption certificate
at J!NX today!
The atrocities that our Murloc friends endure transpire on a daily basis.
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This is the footer.  Why we needed one?  Hellifino.  :)


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