Saturday, January 9, 2010

[World_of_Warcraft_List] OT{apologies for the bandwidth}: World of Warcraft SCA Guild - Madoran Service - Alliance [Horde coming soon]



For those SCAdians of the "WoW Persuasion".  We have set up an "SCA Guild" titled "Defenders of the Dream"

alliance on the MADORAN Server.

Our "Guild Tabard" is the Arms of the SCA.

We have a guild bank and there are several SCAdians [and friends of same] on already.

Come Join the  fun and fellowship that ONLY the SCA can bring to ANY group be it online or on the field!

Server:  Madoran
Faction: Alliance [Horde coming soon]
Contacts: Message in game Alastyr or Gnyriece or Kylancey or Pridatha - or just look for "Defenders of the Dream"

HUZZAH!!!  We also recommend the "SCA Friendly" yahoo list:

A great place to meet and share a bit of the dream when you cannot go to an event!




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