Wednesday, January 20, 2010

[World_of_Warcraft_List] Guild Charter: "Defenders of the Dream & Avengers of the Dream" (draft one) [3 Attachments]

[Attachment(s) from Shane B included below]

(Draft: The First)

Guild Charter (draft) "Defenders of the Dream and Avengers of the Dream" (an SCA oriented guild)

Alastyr / Kymtessa

"Defenders of the Dream/Avengers of the Dream": is an SCA oriented Guild dedicated to just having fun and the exchange of SCA ideals, values, knowledge and last but not least "rules of behavior".

We are not a raiding guild and we actually tell our new members to go slow and enjoy the game at the pace life allows. If new players feel that the pace is too slow, we give them a hand whenever possible. Please keep in mind the different schedules we all have.

Not all people really want to Raid so don't tell me End Game material is so great. If you run with the right pack, nothing else matters even if is only for the company of friendly guild chat and advice. We recruit only by invitation and that is for a very good reason.

Here's a copy of the ""Defenders of the Dream/Avengers of the Dream"" Charter:

We Are ?

Put simply, we are a World of Warcraft SCA Guild. We're not trying to be the "biggest and baddest" Guild in the game... We want to have fun in the game, and make the game even more fun for all our members.

What We Are NOT ?

We are not Griefers, Power-Levelers, XP-pimps, or Exploiters. It's not that those are "bad" ways of playing... it's just not us. With that in mind, if that's the way you like to play... more power to you, just don't bother joining us.


As a general rule, we don't power-level or "twink" our members (okay, we do on occasion, but it's really up the individuals involved). Rather than power-leveling or twinking, we try to help our new players (or old players who are starting new characters) get started with good basic equipment and information about the game. We do our best for our members, but we have to play the game ourselves.

So why be a Guild at all? Why not just play the game and do the quests ourselves?

The answer, put simply, is because we feel that the real distinction between a Online Game and a Single Player is... People.

With that in mind, we want to meet and get to know people... and this is a great way to do it.

We don't have very many "strict" rules... but we try to enforce the ones that we do have (avoid profanity, no dude speak, etc).


Simply put: Think of yourself at an SCA event

1. Guild chat is to be used for helping, crafting tips, directions, character info, group organizing, etc..and try to stay away from ALL CAPS. Also please respect "AFK" (away from keyboard) and "DND" (Do Not Disturb) flags where appropriate. It is OK to whisper them but please do not SPAM them if you do not get a reply (I for one am frequently afk due to health and personal reasons). We ask that any "controversial" debate topics (usually religion, modern day politics and a few other items not universally accepted as polite discussion topics at many supper tables) and that appear to be unduly *dominating* the guild chat be taken private at the pleasure of those involved when politely asked to do so by the guild leader and officers please.

2. Help others when you can, and be honorable.. members that have reports of cheating, stealing, continous use of foul language etc.. will be dismissed. This will be determined by the Guild Leader (Alastyr/Kymtessa) or the Deputy Guild Leader (Pridatha/)

3. Begging for help or selling items to other guild members is strongly discouraged. If you need help with a quest, and another member around your level is on, ask politely if they would be able to help. Do not expect higher level members to help you just because they are online, they are playing as well, and want to have fun too. Just be polite and no whining.

4. Please refrain from using Guild Chat for religious or political discussions/debates as well as the daily news. A lot of folk like me enjoy the game as a way to get away from all of that.

5. The Guild Leader has the
'final say' in all matters concerning this guild regardless of what one's "SCA rank or status may be". As this is a pretty laid back guild the only time I believe you will most likely have an issue with this is if you do not want to 'play nice'.

6. Last but certainly *not* least.  I have been allowing members to use the guild bank on the honor system - especially since most folk in the SCA pretty much know what honor is all about.  Please do not withdraw any money though without clearing it with an officer.  Officers make sure you note it and send an 'in game' mail to the Guild Leader or the Assistant GL

7. Oh and above all Have fun!

Alastir/Kymtessa (Guild Leader "Defenders of the Dream" & "Avengers of the Dream" Alliance/Horde)

Alastair Ronal Kester Aeyalweard ()xxxx[]::::::::::::::::::>*
Olde Squire to Viscount Syr Raim y Hynnddyll 5th Viscount of Drachenwald

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Nullum beneficium impune fit!
Nullum beneficium impune fit!


Attachment(s) from Shane B

2 of 2 Photo(s)

1 of 1 File(s)



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