Monday, January 25, 2010

[World_of_Warcraft_List] Glossary of SCA Terms

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Glossary of Commonly Used SCA Terms

A.S. - common abbreviation for Anno Societatis - literally, Year of the Society. This refers to the SCA's method of numbering the years. A.S. 1 is 1966, the year that the SCA was founded. The SCA year begins on May Day (May 1st) since that is the day on which the SCA was founded. As of May 1, 2001, we are in A.S. 35.

Alphabet Soup - the term for the letters behind a person's name that refer to the awards they have and the order to which they belong. Example: Lord Conall OP, CRC, OW

Apprentice - In the SCA, this is the student of a Laurel.

Armigerous - having an Award of Arms.

Arms - what an armigerous person's heraldic device is called.

Authentic - being correct for a certain period and culture. Ideally, everything should be as authentic as possible, but concessions are always made. Experience is the best way to learn which concessions are okay and which are not.

Authorized - a fighter who is 18 years of age or older and has fought several test bouts before the marshals to prove that he or she is safe to him- or herself and to others on the tourney field. A fighter must authorize separately in each weapon style that he or she wishes to use. Each authorized fighter carries a fighter's authorization card, upon which are indicated all of the weapons styles which he or she is allowed to use. A fully authorized fighter may fight with these weapons in the lists, melees and wars. In the Middle Kingdom, all fighters must first authorize with sword and shield.

Autocrat - Popular alternate term for an Event Steward.

Award of Arms (AOA) - this award entitles you to use the title of Lord or Lady and to call your heraldic device your arms.

Badge - a heraldic device adopted by individuals, households or orders and often worn as a circular patch.

Bardic Circle - a gathering in which the participants share tales, songs and poems on period and SCA subjects. Usually, all who sit in a circle are expected to contribute something. Bardic circles are often held at post-revels and around the fire at camping events.

Baron/ess - Landed Baron/ess are the ceremonial leaders of local baronies (groups). Unlanded Baron/ess is an award given by the Crown for service to the Crown. They can be refered to as 'Your Excellency'.

Barony - an autonomous local society group which has met the official requirements set out in the Corpora and in Kingdom Law and has been elevated to this status. A barony is allowed to present awards and hold courts.

Belted Fighter - a term used for a member of the Chivalry.

Boffer - a weapon carefully made of foam so that it may safely be used in combat by unarmored persons.

Border Raid - small war.

Bout - one fight between two persons participating in a tournament.

Brass Hat - refers to the coronet a person is wearing or someone who is wearing a coronet. It's *not* a respectful term. Example: "This event is full of brass hats."

Camping Event - an event held outdoors where everyone camps out in tents for the duration of the event. Everyone lives on the site more or less medievally. Wars are usually camping events.

Canton - a local society group which is under the jurisdiction of an older society group, from which it receives help and support. A Canton can eventually become a Barony if it wishes.

Charge - an object or figure placed on the shield (or other object).

Chatelain/e - the officer in charge of welcoming new people, loaning them garb, etc.

Chirurgeon - a person in charge of first aid.

Chivalry - 1) a collective term meaning all of the knights and masters/mistresses-at-arms of a Kingdom or just a part of them. Refers to the fighting Peerage orders. 2) a code of ethics and behavior which was a medieval ideal and which most society members aspire to follow.

Chronicler - the officer in charge of editing a group's newsletter.

Circlet - a small (generally 1/4" to 1/2" wide or less), usually undecorated band of metal worn on the head. In some Kingdoms, only armigerous persons and above may wear circlets; in the Midrealms, anyone may wear one. If a circlet is worn, care must be taken so that it is not mistaken for a coronet.

Clear! - an exclamation used when pulling out a weapon, such as a dagger. It is to let others around you know that you are pulling a weapon safely. This is commonly used when someone asks if they can see your weapon.

College - a local SCA group which is co-extant territorially with another local SCA group. Colleges are generally formed at educational institutions or military bases and often function only nine months out of the year. A College reports administratively to the local SCA group with which it is co-extant administratively.

College of Arms - this organization is responsible for registering and authenticating devices, arms, badges and SCA names for society members.

Collegium - an SCA gathering for the organized teaching and sharing of knowledge relevant to our period recreations.

Combat Archery - archery against human targets.

Compleat Anachronist - the bimonthly pamphlet series published by and for the entire society.

Consort - the person for whom the winner of a Crown Tourney or Coronet Tourney fought.

Constable - a person subordinate to marshals who guards the edges of the lists. Also an official in charge of security at an event.

Cornet - a person who has volunteered to herald for the day at an event.

Coronation - the event at which the ceremony of Coronation takes place. In the Middle Kingdom, the ceremony and event take place in May and October, usually two weeks or more before Crown Tourney. The Crown Prince and Crown Princess are crowned King and Queen. The old monarchs then step down.

Coronet - a circlet decorated in various ways and worn by Baron/esses, Viscount/esses, Count/esses, Dukes/Duchesses, and Prince/sses.

Corpora - basic rules and bylaws of the entire society. These are formulated by the Board of Directors, often with the input of members of the society.

Corporate Officers - officers who serve the entire society.

Count/ess - the title assumed by a person who has reigned once as King or Queen after their reign is over.

Court - 1) a formal gathering presided over by a landed noble. Awards may be given to deserving people and gifts may be given to the presiding nobles. 2) the group of people who surround the Crown at an event.

Crash Space - a person's house that has been offered to gentles for sleeping privileges.

Crashing - going to sleep.

Crest - decoration worn on top of a fighter's helm.

Crier - a person, often a herald, who roves through an event making announcements.

Crown - 1) what only the King, Queen, Crown Prince and Crown Princess wear on their heads. 2) short for Crown Tourney. 3) a term used to refer to the King and Queen of a Kingdom

Crown Prince/ss - Prince/ss of a Kingdom who will eventually be crowned King and Queen.

Crown Tourney - the tournament whose winner reigns as Crown Prince or Crown Princess until the next Coronation when they are crowned King or Queen. This tournament is held in May and October.

Curia - 1) Latin for Court. 2) the executive body of a society group which determines policy and decides group matters.

Curia Regis - the executive body of a Kingdom which is headed by the Sovereign.

D&D - short for Dungeons and Dragons, a fantasy role-playing game enjoyed by many SCA gentles.

Dame - a title that may be used by any female peer.

Damp - adjective used to describe sites or events where alcoholic beverages are allowed with certain restrictions.

Dark Horde - also called "the Hordeö or the "Mongol Hordeö. A household devoted to recreating the Mongol steppe culture, the culture of nomadic "barbarians", and other non-European cultures. Some elements of Norse culture are also included.

Demo - short for demonstration. An educational lecture/demonstration for people interested in learning more about the SCA.

Deputy - a person who is a second in command and/or a designated successor for an officer. Can also be a person who simply helps with the running of an office.

Device - an heraldic design belonging to a non-armigerous person.

Domina - period Latin translation of the title Dame.

Dragon - the symbol of the Middle Kingdom.

Dry - adjective used to describe sites or events where alcohol is not allowed. At all. None. Zero.

Duke/Duchess - the title granted to a person who has reigned as the King or Queen twice. The two reigns do not have to be in the same Kingdom, nor with the same person.

Earl - another name for Count.

Event - a society gathering which usually consists of a tournament, feast and revel.

Event Steward - person or persons in charge of an event.

Exchequer - the officer in charge of a group's treasury.

Favor - a ribbon, scarf or specially constructed item given by a lady or lord to a fighter or any member of the society as a token of esteem. It can be given permanently or for a specific length of time.

Fealty - loyalty, fidelity. Fighters often swear an Oath of Fealty to their household, local baronial group, and/or Kingdom.

Feast - the part of an event when people sit and eat specially prepared period foods, usually accompanied by entertainment.

Feastocrat - A popular alternate term for the Head Cook.

Filksong - a term used by science fiction fans that has been adapted for the society. Originally "folksong" with a typo, it now refers to songs of a science fiction or society nature. Filksongs are often performed at bardic circles.

Florentine - a fighting style where two weapons are used instead of weapon and shield. The most common Florentine weapons are broadsword and short sword or two broadswords.

Gaming - playing a role-playing game.

Garb - period clothing worn by gentles at events.

Gentle - an individual member of the SCA.

Gold Key - a collection of loaner garb for new people to borrow until they have their own. See the Chatelaine for a list of available items.

Guild - a group of people who collectively study, practice and promote an art or science.

Head Cook - the person in charge of the feast.

Head Table/High Table - at a feast, the table at which the presiding nobility sit, along with others whom the nobility wishes to honor.

Heavy Weapons - those weapons, usually built on a rattan base, that are traditionally used in the SCA to recreate medieval combat. They include the shortsword, broadsword, greatsword, polearms, the mace, the maul, and the axe.

Herald - the officer in charge of heraldry, titles, protocol, ceremony, field and court heraldry. At events, the herald serves as a sort of living public address system. The herald also announces royalty and calls gentles up during Court.

Heraldry - 1) the science of armorial achievements and correctly describing and using the same 2) calling fighters to the lists 3) "master of ceremoniesö during Court

Hold! - this exclamation means "Freeze! Stop right where you are!ö When used within the lists, Hold can be called only by the marshal in charge and his/her designated assistant marshals and constables. Spectators can NEVER call Hold. When this exclamation is used outside the lists, it is used only in emergency situations such as preventing someone from falling into a pit or stepping on a rattlesnake.

Household - a group of individuals organized as a political or social unit within the society and not bound by geography. They run according to the desires of their members and are generally dedicated to a common pursuit, such as costuming or fighting.

Huzzah! (hoo-ZAH) - happy/congratulatory exclamation. Similar to the modern "yay!"

Incipient - term used for a new Canton or Shire before it has been officially recognized by its Kingdom.

King - a title granted a man who has won a Crown Tourney or the consort of a Queen. In the Middle Kingdom, the King must first serve as Crown Prince for six months.

King and Queen - rulers in charge of the Kingdom they preside over.

Kingdom - largest subgroup in the society.

Knight - a society-wide peerage level award which bestows a Patent of Arms. Knights are exemplary fighters who swear an Oath of Fealty to the Sovereign. They wear a white belt, gold spurs and a gold chain around their neck. The chain is a symbol of the oath which they have taken. Knights place the title of Sir or Dame before their name and the initials KSCA after their name.

Knight Marshal - a local warranted officer who supervises all aspects of fighting, training and authorizing fighters. He or she also supervises safety and weapons etiquette. You do not have to be a knight to be the knight marshall.

Knowne World - the geography and map of the SCA's boundaries.

Laurel - 1) a laurel wreath is the symbol of the society and must appear on all group arms. 2) a society-wide peerage level award which bestows a Patent of Arms. Laurels are given for superior work in the arts and/or sciences. Laurels wear medallions of the order's arms on a green ribbon around their necks and call themselves Master/Mistress.

Laws - rules a Kingdom sets up to govern itself. These laws hold only within the individual Kingdom and are subordinate to the Corpora and to the law of the land. Principalities may also have laws that are subordinate to their Kingdom's laws.

Light Weapons - 1) those weapons used to recreate period fencing, i.e., the epee and foil. 2) Boffer-type weapons.

Lists - 1) the physical boundaries within which society combat takes place. 2) the fighting at a tournament. 3) the table where the Minister of the Lists and staff are.

Livery Collar - a wide collar of metal plates worn around the neck and suspended over the shoulders.

Lord/Lady - 1) when the first letter of each of these words is capitalized, you have the title used by a person who has been granted an Award of Arms or Grant of Arms. Such persons use this title in the form Lord/Lady (name) but never in the form (name) Lord/Lady (last name). The latter form implies that one is a Peer. 2) when the first letter of each of these words is NOT capitalized, these words have the following meanings: a) general term denoting a male or female person in the society, b) a person of the opposite sex attached to another, temporarily or permanently, as his lady or her lord, c) a person of the opposite sex for whom a fighter fights.

Man-at-Arms - a person sworn in service to a non-knight or a non-Master/Mistress-at-Arms. When the person served is elevated to the Chivalry, their men-at-arms may be made their squires.

March - see Shire.

Marshal - a warranted officer in charge of fighting.

Master/Mistress-at-Arms - a society-wide peerage level award which bestows a Patent of Arms. Mastery-at-Arms is granted to exemplary fighters who do not wish, for whatever reason, to take an oath of fealty to the sovereign. Masters/Mistresses-at-Arms use the initials MSCA after their name. They wear white baldrics (a white belt worn over the right shoulder) and gold spurs. Because they do not take an oath of fealty to the sovereign, they do not wear a gold chain.

Melee - a fight with more than two people in it; simulates battle as part of a tournament.

Midrealm - another word for Middle Kingdom

Minister of Arts and Sciences (MoAS) - an officer who is responsible for fostering the arts and sciences in their group. They can also help organize and run arts and sciences contests.

Mundane - non-society. Used in phrases such as "mundane clothingö (jeans and a t-shirt), "mundane foodö (hamburger and French fries), etc.

Mundanes - non-society people. This term can be derogatory and should be used carefully.

M'Lord/M'Lady - polite ways to address people. In pronunciation, "m'lordö and "My Lordö should sound similar.

Novice - 1) officially, a fighter who has never won a tournament. 2) a new fighter. 3) someone who has been practicing an art or science for less than a year.

Off-board - term used to describe those persons at a feast who have not bought the feast but have bought the right to eat their own food at special tables set up in the same room as a feast.

Officers - the people who keep a group running. The basic officers are: Seneschal, Herald, Knight Marshal, Minister of Arts and Sciences, Exchequer, Chronicler and Landed Nobles (if any). They can make up a Curia. There are other less common officers: Chatelaine, Gold Key, Archer General and others.

On-board - term used to describe those persons attending an event who have bought the right to eat the feast.

Order of Precedence - the list of titles that shows how each title ranks in comparison to the others.

Oye! (oy-YAY) - an exclamation used by Heralds, Marshals and other officials to gain the attention of an SCA gathering before an important announcement is made. When you hear this, you should stop talking immediately in order to be polite and avoid missing the announcement.

Page - a young person, generally age 7-14, who volunteers to serve another SCA member, usually an older person. The older person agrees to teach and supervise the Page.

Peerage - Peerage level awards: Knight, Master/Mistress-at-Arms, Rose, Laurel and Pelican. All have equal rank, and all confer a Patent of Arms. Some Kingdoms may decide whether a Rose confers a Patent of Arms. Peerage level titles (from lowest to highest): Viscount/ess, Count/ess and Duke/Duchess. These Royal Peerages rank above the Peerage level awards and below the Royal Family. The holder of a Peerage is entitled to wear a livery collar and suspend from it the badges of the orders he/she may belong to or offices he/she may hold.

Pennsic War - a two-week long camping event in Pennsylvania. See for more details.

Pentathlon (Decathlon) - a term often used for a Kingdom-wide arts and sciences competition. Also used as a term for an inter-Kingdom arts and sciences competition.

Period - a term referring to proper dress, mannerisms, speech, etc; being in the style of an historical period.

Persona - the character (personality, era, culture, etc) assumed by a society member while they are functioning within the society.

Post-Revel - a party which usually follows a feast and official revel, with singing, chatting, etc. People usually come in mundane clothing. Commonly called a "post-revö.

Prince/ss - Crown Prince/ss is the title bestowed upon the person who has won a Crown Tourney and their consort. In the Middle Kingdom, they reign as Prince and Princess of the Principality of Northshield for six months, and then they are crowned King and Queen.

Principality - a subgroup within a Kingdom that is made up of many local groups and which is autonomous within the Kingdom. It is sometimes regarded as a Kingdom-in-training. The Middle Kingdom's Principality is Northshield.

Protégé - In the SCA, this is the student of a Pelican.

Province - an alternate name for a group which has achieved the status of Barony. This name is usually given as a title to founding groups of a Kingdom, though other groups may also request this status. A Province may or may not have a Baron/ess.

Pursuivant - a warranted heraldic officer.

Queen - the title granted a woman who has won a Crown Tourney or the consort of a King. In the Middle Kingdom, she must first serve as Crown Princess for six months.

RUM - abbreviation for Royal University of the Midrealm. An event dedicated to the teaching of everything and anything related to the society and/or medieval/renaissance history and culture.

Rattan - a slender climbing palm similar in appearance to bamboo (but not hollow) which is imported from the Far East and is used for most weapons in the society.

Region - a subdivision of a Kingdom that is made up of many local groups and which exists for administrative purposes only. Regions are official within a Kingdom only. Cynnabar is in the Region of Pentamere.

Revel - the "party" section of an event that takes place after the feast. It is devoted to dancing, plays, chatting and other non-fighting, non-feasting diversions.

Riding - see Shire.

Rules of the Lists - the rules which govern all fighting in the society.

SCA - pronounced "skaö or "ess-see-ayö. The acronym for the Society for Creative Anachronism.

SCA Name - period name adopted by an SCA person for use when he or she is in persona. See your local Herald for help choosing one.

SF - abbreviation for "science fictionö.

Semi-Wet - see Damp.

Seneschal - the chief officer in a group; sort of its chairperson or president. Seneschals keep the group running, do any tasks which aren't covered by other officers and make sure that the other officers are doing their assigned tasks. They are responsible for a group's dealings with the mundane world. Cynnabar's seneschal is Lord Bertrand de Rouen, and his deputy is Lord Rollo Lackbeard.

Shire - an autonomous society group. A Shire is usually a fairly new group which can advance in status to become a Barony or Province some day. Also called a March or Riding.

Sir - a title used by a knight, either male or female. See also Dame.

Society - short for Society for Creative Anachronism.

Site - the place where a society even is held, either indoors or outdoors.

Site Fee - the price you pay to enter an event.

Site Token - a small token you receive after paying your site fee. They can be anything from a bead on a string to a small figurine.

Sovereign - the winner of a Crown Tourney who is eventually crowned as the ruling monarch or sovereign of the Kingdom.

Squire - a person who has sworn service to a knight or master/mistress-at-arms in exchange for training. Squires wear red belts with their knight's or master's/mistress' arms on them and silver spurs. They use the initials Esq. (esquire) after their name.

Steward - the seneschal of the entire society.

Tanist - an alternate title used in the Middle Kingdom for Prince of a Kingdom or Crown Prince.

Territorial Baron/ess - a landed title given to the ceremonial head of a Barony. This title is awarded to the founder(s) of the Barony and/or those who have kept it going.

Titles - honors which are earned in the society and which are not to be assumed by others. These include: Lord/Lady, Baron/ess, Honorable Lord/Lady, Sir/Dame, Master/Mistress, Viscount/ess, Count(Earl)/Countess, Duke/Duchess, Prince/ss, King/Queen and all foreign language equivalents.

Tin Hat - see "Brass Hat".

Torse - a decorative wreath placed around the top of a helm. A torse is generally made of two piece of cloth twisted together.

Tournament/Tourney - 1) the combat at a society event. 2) slang for an entire society event.

Tournaments Illuminated (T.I.) - the quarterly official newsletter of the entire society.

Troll - the check-in point for an event. You register your presence, pay the site fee, get maps/information and site tokens, and buy feast tickets (if applicable). Another commonly used term for it is Gate.

Vicar - a person appointed by a Territorial Baron/ess to run the Barony in the Baron/ess' absence, usually of a month or more.

Viscount/ess - a person who has served as Prince/ss of a Principality at least once.

Waivers - all persons who enter the lists at a tournament must have signed a waiver of liability stating that they are aware of the dangers and assume upon themselves the liability in case of injury.

War - an inter-Kingdom event (like Pennsic), usually a camping event, with field battles, woods battles, and other kinds of fighting. Wars also often include arts and sciences competition and merchants' fairs. The oldest and biggest War is the Pennsic War between the Middle and East Kingdoms. It is held in Pennsylvania in August.

Warrant - an official paper confirming a person in an office and making them an official, as opposed to acting, officer.

Wet - alcohol is allowed (variations include "soaking wet" and "drenched")

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