Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] What Led Up To The WoW Freak Out Video - Geekologie


What cracked me up MOST about this was the DOG .  He is just sitting/laying there thinking "What a DumbAss "L" feed me!"


What Led Up To The WoW Freak Out Video

MORE: angry, brotherly love, calm down, fail, gamer, geez, goodness gracious, heart attack, holy smokes, relaxation, spaz, unhealthy, video games, world of warcraft, wow, yell like a pirate!, you betrayed me!

Allegedly this is the footage that led up to the infamous World of Warcraft freak-out video. Basically, kid has a dick for a brother and some serious anger management issues. Now I'm not saying he has serial killer written all over him, but he did try to sodomize himself with a remote in a fit of rage. Which I do, and I'm no serial killer. So I think he'll be okay.


Thanks to chrissy mc poopypantsbaconlover, who might want to lay off the bacon for awhile. I kid, totally worth it.
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