Sunday, January 10, 2010

Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Free Pre-Paid Game Cards From

No dont worrie iam just a simple person trying to spread the word about the game for free. i know how it is to be when you can't play. well i think i do anyways i hate not being able to get on becouse of all the money. it is not a scam but you can and will recieve not just the pre-paid game card but alot of other items as well. it just the the game card is all that intrest me. you just sign up and read the fourms and it will explan every thing you need to do to get the card. really it is free and it works. as long as you have the time to put into it. i do it when i need to put more time on my account. well thanxs again and itf you want just set up a bogus account to make sure here is the link again.

--- On Mon, 1/11/10, Shane B <> wrote:

From: Shane B <>
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Free Pre-Paid Game Cards From
Date: Monday, January 11, 2010, 3:26 AM


What are you getting for this?  Just curious.  You have to understand why we are all suspicious.  Do we have to give our "personal" information other than an email address??  I will not remove you if you desist sending this stuff please.

Companies make BIG BUX$$$ by culling this information from unsuspecting folks.  Thanx for your understanding.

Alastyr list owner

Yes it really work i have a few toons on azurymst. one of my toons name is mesk he is a lvl 60 rouge and i have a few twinks as well. i play all the time and it really works like i said you have to do a few things to get the card but you do not have to put any money into getting it at all nothing none. you get the card from just try it your self and if you are not satified then remove me. thanxs for your time

--- On Mon, 1/11/10, Shane B <> wrote:

From: Shane B <>
Subject: Re: [World_of_Warcraft_ List] Free Pre-Paid Game Cards From
To: World_of_Warcraft_ List@yahoogroups .com
Date: Monday, January 11, 2010, 2:59 AM


It does.  What server are you on and what is your main toon?  To everyone here I do not recommend you go to this site until the owner contacts me privately with more proof.  If I do not hear a reply within a "reasonable" amount of time I will be removing this user.

List Owner

hi you can play world of warcraft for free. i went to this web site that lets you get pre-paid game time buy just filling out 3 surveys. i know it seems like a scam but it really works. icould not afford to pay any more so i had to find a way to play i am addicted to the darn game lol. well the pre-paid cards come from and they are 60- game cards if you want to try it then cool if you dont thats cool as well.
 here is the site. you have to register to start on getting your card it takes about 45 min. total but is more than worth it

http://www.points2s ref=uin126373430 9

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