He is a boss and doesn't have a level.
Brian Hartsfield CCNA, CCDA
AIM: kd4aej Twitter: Krandor1
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On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Shane B <shaneb@ij.net> wrote:
Does *anyone* what level he really is?? Everything I have read just shows ??
http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/ mob.html? wmob=14889
From WoWWiki
Race Green dragon
Green dragonflight
Occupation Guardian of the Emerald Dream
Varies. Bough Shadow, Dream Bough, Seradane, or Twilight Grove
Status Killable
Relative(s) Ysera (Green Dragon Aspect)
In recent times, Ysera's most trusted lieutenants have been warped by a dark new power within the Emerald Dream. Now these wayward sentinels have passed through the Great Trees into Azeroth, intending to spread madness and terror throughout the mortal kingdoms.
The mysterious dark power within the Emerald Dream has transformed the once-majestic Emeriss into a rotting, diseased monstrosity. Reports from the few who have survived encounters with the dragon have told horrifying tales of putrid mushrooms erupting from the corpses of their dead companions. Emeriss is truly the most gruesome and appalling of Ysera's estranged green dragons.
- 1 Overview
- 2 Abilities
- 3 Strategy
- 4 Things to Note
- 6 Loot
- 7 Patches and hotfixes
- 8 External links
Emeriss is one of the Emerald Dragons. The other Emerald Dragons are Lethon, Ysondre, and Taerar. These dragons are world spawns located in Duskwood (Twilight Grove), the Hinterlands (Seradane), Feralas (Dream Bough), and Ashenvale (Bough Shadow). They are raid level difficulty. However, some dragons are more challenging than others. Emeriss is considered to be the second hardest. However, this is debatable as the difficulty of Lethon largely depends on the quality and experience of one raid member. Emeriss, by comparison, requires the attention and focus of all your raid members. The dragon is very easy if everyone does his job well but he will make quick work of your raid if mistakes happen.
All four dragons share the Sleep, Noxious Breath, Tail Sweep and Mark of Nature abilities. Each time a dragon loses 25 ± 5% of its life, they perform a unique ability.
Please keep in mind that Emeriss is completely immune to Nature Damage.
- Sleep - Roaming AoE sleep cloud that targets random areas around Emeriss and sleeps players caught within for 4 seconds.
- Noxious Breath - Deals 3000 Nature damage and applies a 30 second DoT that increases cooldowns on all abilities by 10 seconds and inflicting 350 to 450 Nature damage every 3 seconds. The DoT can stack up to 6 times. The main tank should be the only one affected by this.
- Tail Sweep - Knocks anyone near his tail back, inflicting 600 to 1000 damage.
- 25% ability: Corruption of the Earth - Affects all players in range. 10 second Shadow DoT that deals 20% of the player's max health every 2 seconds. It cannot be dispelled and has a 100 yard range.
- Mark of Nature - If a player is killed by Emeriss, they will be afflicted by a 15 minute debuff called Mark of Nature. If resurrected during this time, they will be slept for 2 minutes rather than 4 seconds if they are hit with Sleep.
- Volatile Infection - A removable disease that affects a random target. This deals Nature damage to the player and all players surrounding them.
- Putrid Mushroom - When a player dies a Putrid Mushroom spawns at their corpse. This deals 600 Nature damage per second to any surrounding player.
- Port - Ports the player who has the most aggro in front of Emeriss if he trys to run out of combat. This ability has first been noted after patch 2.0.1.
- Pull Emeriss to the raid, then turn him around so he is facing up the ramp. Healing should be on the MT, and everyone should be away from the tail. Ranged should be at a good distance and not clustered so they can avoid the sleep clouds more easily.
- Have the second tank run in to cover for the MT should he be put to sleep. Neither of them will be able to taunt.
- After a while, call for the raid to assist. Melee should hit his hind legs (rather than his butt) to avoid getting tailwhipped. Ranged should be spread out at max range.
- Steady dps, have the majority of the healers on the MT; make sure the secondary tank knows what to do if he takes aggro cause the MT got sleeped.
- At 75%, 50%, 25% health, have melee move further than 100 yards out of range to avoid his AoE DOT. (Have priests move as well, and druids / pallies/ shaman healing MT during this DoT).
- Be sure you don't get slept during his Corrupted Earth DoT, watch your positioning! Consider putting a healing group on his left, and another on his right, in case this happens.
- When Emeriss performs Corruption of the Earth, he will yell "Taste your world's corruption!". This is the cue for the group to melee and the rest of the group to return to their original positions.
- Do not die! Use a potion or bandage where possible.
- Greater Nature Protection Potions seemed to absorb damage from those who died and sprouted mushrooms.
- Not a vital note for the fight, but the Noxious Breath DoT persists on the MT after Emeriss dies, for it's rather funny when the whole guild is celebrating when 5 seconds later the MT falls over dead. Just remember to heal him after Emeriss dies.
Things to Note
Currently, Emeriss casts Corruption of Earth randomly at +/- 10% of 75%,50%, and 25%. That means that at 85%, 60%, and 35%, the ranged and melee DPS need to run out. Your raid needs Healer groups to stay in at 85,60, and 35%. Have a priest in each of the healer groups and your top dps in groups with priests in them. At the mentioned percentages, have everyone but the people in groups with priests in them run out. When corruption is cast, have the priests spam prayer of healing on their groups. Make sure that the people in the groups stay close enough to the priest, but spread out just enough to avoid getting the priest chain slept. Smart priests that know how to avoid the sleep clouds are key to this strategy. Nature resists apparently also help resist the sleep clouds.
This is also a world boss, keep in mind that his difficulty will change, pending on the levels of the raid, thus again, making her a lot more difficult then she seems.
- Hope is a DISEASE of the soul! This land shall wither and die!
- Taste your world's corruption!
- Boots of the Endless Moor
- Binds when picked up
- Feet
- 355 Armor
- +12 Intellect
- +25 Nature Resistance
- +16 Stamina
- Durability 70 / 70
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 71Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Restores 3 mana per 5 sec.
- Circlet of Restless Dreams
- Binds when picked up
- Leather
- Head
- 199 Armor
- +21 Agility
- +38 Stamina
- Durability 70 / 70
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 72Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Increases your expertise rating by 14.
- Dragonheart Necklace
- Binds when picked up
- Neck
- +21 Stamina
- +6 Intellect
- +6 Spirit
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 71Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Increases attack power by 24.
- Polished Ironwood Crossbow
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Crossbow
- Ranged
- Speed 3.10
- 124 - 186 Damage
- (50.0 damage per second)
- +7 Nature Resistance
- +5 Stamina
- Durability 90 / 90
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 71Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Increases attack power by 24.
- Ring of the Unliving
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Finger
- +21 Agility
- +16 Stamina
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 72Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
Shared with other Green Dragons
- Acid Inscribed Greaves
- Binds when picked up
- Plate
- Feet
- 639 Armor
- +8 Strength
- +19 Stamina
- +25 Nature Resistance
- Durability 75 / 75
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 72Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Increases defense rating by 9.
- Ancient Corroded Leggings
- Binds when picked up
- Legs
- 458 Armor
- +33 Agility
- +16 Intellect
- +11 Spirit
- +21 Stamina
- Durability 105 / 105
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 72Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Dragonbone Wristguards
- Binds when picked up
- Plate
- Wrist
- 401 Armor
- +9 Strength
- +13 Stamina
- Durability 55 / 55
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 71Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Increases your parry rating by 20.
- Dragonspur Wraps
- Binds when picked up
- Leather
- Wrist
- 106 Armor
- +4 Arcane Resistance
- +4 Frost Resistance
- +4 Shadow Resistance
- +4 Fire Resistance
- +4 Nature Resistance
- +17 Stamina
- Durability 40 / 40
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 71Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Increases attack power by 32.
- Gloves of Delusional Power
- Binds when picked up
- Cloth
- Hands
- 79 Armor
- +16 Intellect
- +14 Stamina
- Durability 35 / 35
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 72Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Restores 5 mana per 5 sec.
- Equip: Increases spell power by 27.
- Green Dragonskin Cloak
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Back
- 62 Armor
- +12 Stamina
- +20 Nature Resistance
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 71Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Restores 4 health per 5 sec.
- Hammer of Bestial Fury
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Mace
- Main Hand
- Speed 1.90
- 69 - 130 Damage
- (52.4 damage per second)
- 90 Armor
- +12 Stamina
- Durability 105 / 105
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 71Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Increases attack power by 26.
- Nightmare Engulfed Object
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- This Item Begins a Quest
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 63Disenchants into:
- Not disenchantable
- "An unknown object shrouded in nightmares."
- Staff of Rampant Growth
- Binds when picked up
- Unique-Equipped
- Staff
- Two-Hand
- Speed 2.60
- 113 - 185 Damage
- (57.3 damage per second)
- (35 feral attack power)
- +16 Intellect
- +20 Nature Resistance
- +12 Stamina
- Durability 120 / 120
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 71Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Increases spell power by 44.
- Equip: Restores 11 mana per 5 sec.
- Trance Stone
- Binds when picked up
- Unique
- Held In Off-hand
- +8 Spirit
- +8 Intellect
- +9 Stamina
- Requires Level 60
- Item Level 71Disenchants into:
- [Nexus Crystal]: 1-2
- Equip: Increases spell power by 25.
editPatches and hotfixes
Patch 1.8.0 (2005-10-10): Added
editExternal links
Boss Killers
- http://wow.filenuts
.com/381. - Nightmares Asylum Kill Videohtml
Beware: This post contains a full strategy of how to defeat Emeriss, so only read the first and second paragraphs if not intersted in how to beat him!
Emeriss is an extremely difficult encounter for those who don't know how to beat him. Even 25 lvl 80's can be pwned by him if they don't know the strategy and his abilities.
About a week ago a group of ~15 mostly pickups, and I defeated Emeriss (With difficulty) in Seradane on Stormrage server.
His melee deals virtually no damage to a top lvl and decently geared tank.
Before starting, clear all the dragonkin and drakes around or you might get adds and as a consequence wipe.
Noxoius Breath
What's a dragon without a breath attack? Emeriss has a breath called Noxoius Breath that deals about 3000dmg over 30sec and lengthens cooldowns by 10 secs per stack, so only the MT should be in front of him! Also, the MT needs 20-30 sec to build up threat, because he/she will not be able to create the usual amount because of the breath effecting cooldowns.
Dream Fog
Make sure you avoid the green clouds that float around, as they put you to sleep! Be aware that the sleep range is larger than the clouds itself. To avoid mass sleeping, spread out!
Tail Swipe
Keep all dps and casters away from his tail as he can whip cloth wearers for ~1k damage, and sometimes cause fatal knockback!
Corruption of the Earth
It cannot be stressed enough that you have at least one priest per group. This is because at roughly 75, 50, and 25% Emeriss casts a debuff called Corruption of the Earth, which reduces your HP by 20% every 2sec for 10sec. Unless you get healing, its guaranteed death, so every priest must cast Prayer of Healing as many times as they can right after Emeriss yells, or you will fail! All the non-priest healers should heal the MT. Make sure that everyone gets a direct heal after Corruption of the Earth is over, you want health topped off, so that the disease won't kill you so easily!
Volatile Infection
Emeriss randomly casts a disease called Volatile Infection that deals dmg over time. Be sure to have paladins and priests cleanse it before it causes any problems.
Spore Cloud
If anyone dies, they turn into a mushroom, which spews out green goo every few seconds to nearby players, causing damage, be sure to avoid these, or simply just don't die!
Aura of Nature
If you die to any of the four nightmare dragons, you will get a debuff called Aura of Nature, that lasts for 15min. If you engage Emeriss with this debuff, you will get slept after about 20sec of fighting. The sleep lasts 2min, and if you get the disease while you sleep, you're going to die at one stage unless you get heals! Lvl 65 and below are especially prone.
If you stick by these points then you'll have defeated Emeriss, who thinks hope is a disease and wants the land to wither and die. Please only attempt this raid if you have previous raiding experience and enough priests; it is very challenging.
I hope you have found this post helpful! Have fun defeating Emeriss!
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