Thursday, December 24, 2009

[World_of_Warcraft_List] Today In History: Friday December 25, 2009 [1 Attachment]

[Attachment(s) from Shane B included below]

Good Morning!  It is Friday December 25, 2009


Happy Birthday to...

   Jesus of Nazareth (celebrated)
   Mithra (celebrated)
   Dionysus (celebrated)
   Cernunnos (celebrated)
   In 1642 Issac Newton

On this day...

   Christmas (Celebration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth)
   End of the Saturnalia
   Merlin places Excalibur into the Stone
   In 0438 Publication of the Theodosian Code
   In 0496 Baptism of Clovis, King of France
   In 0800 Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor
   In 0820 Assassination of Leo V, Emperor of Byzantium
   In 0875 Coronation of Charles "the Bald" as Emperor of the Franks
   In 0967 Coronation of Otto II as Holy Roman Emperor
   In 0983 Coronation of Otto III as King of Germany
   In 1000 Stephen crowned as Hungary's first King
   In 1066 William I crowned King of England
   In 1075 Pope Gregory VII kidnapped while saying Mass
   In 1100 Coronation of Baldwin I as King of Jerusalem
   In 1130 Coronation of Roger II as King of Sicily
   In 1144 Zangi, Atabeg of Mosul, takes Edessa
   In 1145 King Louis VII of France vows a Crusade
   In 1194 Coronation of Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor, as King of Sicily
   In 1241 Mongols cross the Danube and take Budapest
   In 1376 JENS ("Guglers" defeated by Swiss)
   In 1396 The news of the disaster of Nicopolis
           is brought to the French Court
   In 1406 Death of Henry III, King of Castile
   In 1483 The future Henry VII, King of England, takes oath in Rennes
           Cathedral that he would marry Princess Elisabeth of York
   In 1497 Vasco da Gama sights Natal, South Africa
   In 1524 Death of Vasco da Gama
   In 1539 Gonzalo Pizarro sets out to find "El Dorado"
   In 1541 From this day forward, only Archery may be played
           on Christmas (England's Unlawful Games Act)
   In 1620 Pilgrims begin construction of a Meeting House at Plymouth, Mass.
   In 1621 The Plymouth Colony bans card-playing
   In 1635 Death of Samuel de Champlain, explorer
   In 1641 Preliminary Peace ending the 30 Yrs. War signed
   In 1651 Christmas is banned in Boston, Massachusetts colony


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Happy RamaHanaChristmaKwanzmasBlessedBe&Festivus4therestofus!

And just for laughs....


Attachment(s) from Shane B

1 of 1 Photo(s)



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