Monday, December 14, 2009

[World_of_Warcraft_List] ThinkGeek :: Magic Wand - Programmable TV Remote

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Magic Wand - Programmable TV Remote


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Tame the Beast of HD Pictures with this magic device!

You know you have always wanted to be a wizard. But not one of those swish and flick wizards from the movies. You want to be the Dungeons & Dragons wizard - the party's controller. See that word there? CONTROLLER. It means you control the battlefield; you control everything! Sure, you're squishy and sometimes there's collateral damage when you let out a blast, but it's all in a day's work. As a wizard, you have a choice in implements, but everyone knows The Wand is the ultimate when you want to be an elite controller.
Teach it  

Our Wand may not make legions of kobold minions explode into flames, but it will learn up to 13 commands from your existing remote controls and map them to particular magical motions. Flick the wand from side to side to flip the channels, twist the wand to turn up the volume. A beam of light will shoot out the unicorn tail hair and magic will happen! The Wand can learn from any remotes in your house and once you master its 13 movements, you can mastermind a symphony of electronic enjoyment from the comfort of your couch. Then, and only then, are you an epic level controller.

Product Specifications
  • Magic wand television remote for witches, wizards, and the occasional muggle
  • 13 magical functions (the number one would expect in magic!)
  • Learns from your existing remotes
  • With a little practice, you can train yourself to do magic with household electronics
  • Flip the channel with a flick of your wand, twist your wand to turn up the volume
  • Compatible with almost all makes of TV, DVR, or really anything with a remote!
  • Buttons are sooooooooooooooo out, wands are in. Trust us.

Magic Wand - Programmable TV Remote Video:

Emacs! Emacs! Emacs!



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