Thursday, December 31, 2009

[World_of_Warcraft_List] Starr


I'm not sure you've come to the right place, but here's what I've done. I usually can go to Best Buy or gamestop to get a game card, but we got bombarded with snow, and then, ice, then more snow. So, for the last 2 weeks, I've not been on World of Warcraft. Then I got a call from my company,and I am training all next week (I work from home.) It'd be in my best interest to not buy a game card, until I'm done with my training, cause I absolutely have to focus on training. Now I understand why I don't have a game card, cause I knew, in the back of my mind, it is time to train.

I also play Farmville, which is free, so I've got it all figured out. Without a gamecard, one of my distractions is gone. The other one, I can plant a 4 day plant in it, so I don't have to look at Farmville for four days.

Once I get a gamecard, I'll be on World of warcraft almost daily, after I am done auditting charts, which I do from home.




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