Monday, December 7, 2009

[World_of_Warcraft_List] FAIL DeathKnight


I just dont understand, what im doing wrong, or maybe if im reading something incorrectly,
I have the 4 set T9 bonus, flasked and food buffed properly, got the right enchants according to Elitist Jerks , Wow forums, even from, for some reason im struggling with my DK's dps , im only doing 3k dps on a 25m raid, if im lucky i'll hit 4, while this other DK in ToC5m heroics gear is kicking my butt on the damage meter,

Desperately in need of some Aid, from a more elite DK expert
please if you have vent or something contact me i've spent hours and hours reading forums and beating up this heroic Training dummy in Iron forge and im getting exausted

AzthmÄ -
Bronzebeard - Alliance



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