Saturday, December 5, 2009

Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] Guild Name??


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *That* is funny!  In all the years I have played WoW I think among the top ten funny guild names I ever saw was <I Crit My Pants>.  Hey that sounds like a good guild for my Orc on Baelgun named "Excrement" no?  BTW depending on the part of the country you are from "Exalted with your Mom" is a sexual connotation. lol

Gnarly - some lvl warlock

LOL!  <exalted with your mom>   I am surprised someone hasn't turned it in yet. 
My son did a guild on Alex before his account got hacked that was called  <Exalted with your Mother>...and it fit since I used my 80 Paladin to do power level runs in Scarlet Monastery and to help on some of the harder group quests.  
It didn't last long as someone turned them in to Blizz and they were told to rename the guild.   So he renamed it <Twelve Inches Unbuffed> and apparently that was ok.  Go figure.  Then his account was hacked and guild bank raided and such. 
Kalliophea-80 Holy Paladin on Garrosh



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