Sunday, November 29, 2009

[World_of_Warcraft_List] A WoW Timeline (was a lot of yahoo bot title shitt- :))


Sounds like I went through something similar David.

I�m playing in Garrosh.  I was on another group but a couple of the long-timers resented me I think.  Today I�d had enough so I looked for another group on YAHOO that was more my cup of tea.
As a retirement gift, my son, Jeremy, gave me WOW.  He�s been playing it even before it was an Internet game.  It�s certainly entertaining but, as first, as a level 1,2 or 3, I was challenged to duels by every Tom, Dick and Mary that were higher up the food chain than me.  I wasn�t sure WTF was going on until I realized you get some kind of credit for defeating another player.  Naturally, they challenged a player of much lower level than themselves.
My next learning experience was guilds.  I was invited to join one and I accepted.  I was a member there for a few months and I shared much of my loot in the guild vault.  One day I logged on and I was no longer in the guild and the guild no longer existed.  The guild master looted all the loot [mine and everyone else�s] and then closed down the guild.  The stuff I had put in the vault was intended by me for mutual benefit but not for his sole benefit.
About the same time frame I learned to shy away from groups unless I knew the members.  Many of the groups I joined consisted of a level 60 whatever [and that included my son at times] who would go through the quest killing everything in sight and tell me to just stand off and pick up the loot.  Needless to say, I didn�t learn anything from that so I�ve avoided groups since then.
Most recently, I declined a �join guild� invitation so the inviter challenged me to a dual.  I declined that as well so he followed me for a while, figured out want quest I was on and went and killed everything before I could and took all the loot including the quest loot.
There�s lots of moon-bat on WOW; mostly kids I guess but I�ve become a loner now and, perhaps, not learned as much as quickly but, at least,  I�m doing it my way.
Thanks again for approving my membership.  I�m anxious to join in on the conversation here.
David Lee
[Garrosh toons;
Oldengineer [Paladin],
Swanda [Warrior],
Wickedtough [Hunter],
Aggigigne [Rogue]



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