Sunday, November 29, 2009

[World_of_Warcraft_List] RE: APPROVE -- nhengineer wants to join World_of_Warcraft_List


Thanks for approving my membership, Shane.


I’m playing in Garrosh.  I was on another group but a couple of the long-timers resented me I think.  Today I’d had enough so I looked for another group on YAHOO that was more my cup of tea.


As a retirement gift, my son, Jeremy, gave me WOW.  He’s been playing it even before it was an Internet game.  It’s certainly entertaining but, as first, as a level 1,2 or 3, I was challenged to duels by every Tom, Dick and Mary that were higher up the food chain than me.  I wasn’t sure WTF was going on until I realized you get some kind of credit for defeating another player.  Naturally, they challenged a player of much lower level than themselves.


My next learning experience was guilds.  I was invited to join one and I accepted.  I was a member there for a few months and I shared much of my loot in the guild vault.  One day I logged on and I was no longer in the guild and the guild no longer existed.  The guild master looted all the loot [mine and everyone else’s] and then closed down the guild.  The stuff I had put in the vault was intended by me for mutual benefit but not for his sole benefit.


About the same time frame I learned to shy away from groups unless I knew the members.  Many of the groups I joined consisted of a level 60 whatever [and that included my son at times] who would go through the quest killing everything in sight and tell me to just stand off and pick up the loot.  Needless to say, I didn’t learn anything from that so I’ve avoided groups since then.


Most recently, I declined a ‘join guild’ invitation so the inviter challenged me to a dual.  I declined that as well so he followed me for a while, figured out want quest I was on and went and killed everything before I could and took all the loot including the quest loot.


There’s lots of moon-bat on WOW; mostly kids I guess but I’ve become a loner now and, perhaps, not learned as much as quickly but, at least,  I’m doing it my way.


Thanks again for approving my membership.  I’m anxious to join in on the conversation here.



David Lee


[Garrosh toons;

Oldengineer [Paladin],

Swanda [Warrior],

Wickedtough [Hunter],

Aggigigne [Rogue]


From: Shane B []
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: APPROVE -- nhengineer <> wants to join World_of_Warcraft_List


Age does not always mean maturity! I am an example. ROFLMAO

Seriously Nice to Meet You and please feel welcome to chime in whenever you like or post anything WoW related (or similar)

Like a 'living room' discussion we are not too 'anal' here about strict adherence to topic protocol.

Hope you had a Great Thanksgiving!

Warmest Regards

List Owner and Janitor (SPAM Spill aisle eight!)


The following person would like to join the World_of_Warcraft_List group:
Email address: nhengineer <>

Comment from user:
I'm 66. I hope that is mature enough. :-) I've been playing only since
April. I own the junkyardprojects YAHOO group.

This membership request requires your approval because the
World_of_Warcraft_List group is restricted, which means you must
approve each new member.



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