Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Re: [World_of_Warcraft_List] In need of a guild that works


Yes.  Good idea.  It's difficult to find a good guild.  Then after a year or so,
they often change character.  If you have lots of real life gold, transfer.  But
you may be disappointed.  Also wise to interview people in a guild you are interested in.
If your goal is to be the best raiding, you may be in a very structured militaristic guild.
Not exactly an atmosphere of casual chatting in instances.  In a social guild it's sometimes
difficult to find enough members who want to raid.  If the guild is very large (couple hundred
actual RL members or more) maybe they can be divided into two groups.  Raiders and chatters.
I believe this would be ideal.
I've done some guild jumping with my alts.  I've yet to find a guild that holds my
interest in all aspects of my desires.  And then of course there's the political drama
and the
"he said, you said..." which tends to get distorted and causes hurt feelings.
There's probably a dozen questions one should ask a guild leader and some of the members
before he/she really knows if the guild is what you are looking for.  And before you ask, you need to know
what kind of guild YOU are looking for.

I wouldn't know ANYTHING about being on the receiving in of *that*!  lol




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