Saturday, August 15, 2009

Zygor Guide- The Full Review...You Don't Wanna Hear This!

Zygor Guide Review- Zygor is Complete B.S.? Don't Waste Your Money On Scams. Read Free Review First Then Make A Buying Decision.

"Zygor Guide- Fastest Leveling Path...Or The Worst WoW Guide Ever Created On Planet Earth?Read This Shocking Review. And Your Not Going To Wanna Hear This"

Zygor guides worth buying? I have tried many online World of Warcraft leveling guides including Zygor's, I know exactly how Zygor's guide compares to the average leveling guides period! With so many online WoW leveling system SCAMS available today, it can get quite confusing for you to choose the best one out of tons of them.

I Hate World of Warcraft Leveling Systems and Guides!

All my friends ask me for help when it comes to WoW, since I spend every freaking moment of my life playing it. I hate WoW guides. I have experienced quite a few, and the same Sh!t with all of them, THEY ARE ALMOST THE SAME AS THE GENERAL LEVELING REFERENCE!!! My friends would always ask me which one they should buy, and you know what I tell them? Save your damn money!

Zygor Guide Is Crap!

One of my friend later shot me an email telling me about this guide called the "Zygor Guide", that suposedly was the fastest leveling guide around. I told them it was a load of crap and don't waste your money.

Later that week we all got together and played some WoW. THESE A-WHOLES WERE AT LEVEL FREAKING 70!!! So I just had to ask, "how the freak did you do that", they replied only two words"Zygor Guide"

I responded "that piece of crap got you there that fast?"Iimeadiately went out of my way to get a copy, and guess what? I had reached rached level 80 in 9 days 5 hours (I had to help my Friend move one of those days)

What's The Main Issue With It?

If you have tried using guides other than Zygor's, you might feel very irritated since you will often have to close the game temporarily so that you can read the guide before opening the game window again. There is also the in-game add-on arrow that shows under your character. It tells you where your next objective should be, and the arrow is colored to tell you how far away you are from your objective location.

Using Zygor Guides, I do not feel the need to print out the guide on paper to read it physically while I am playing. This is much more convenient and I really like how I can follow the guide in the game while I play.

I decided to get Zygor Leveling Guides because I was once stuck and had to keep doing the same things over and over again. It was very time consuming so I had to find a solution, and I am glad that I did go out to find a solution. If this is the situation that you are going through right now, I would recommend you to take a look at Zygor Guides.

Okay, I Know The Zygor Guide Is Awesome,But Exactly What's Inside?

So Here are the details:

-Free Lifetime 1-80 In-Game Leveling Guide Updates

-Talent Build Guide Bonus

-Nether Drake Mount Guide Bonus

-Death Knight Class Guide Bonus

-Inscription Profession Leveling Guide Bonus

-1-80 in 7 days time

-And a Couple of freebies!

The Zygor Guide is extremely detailed and has easy to follow instructions to make it easy on you.

Now I am Giving away an extra secret bonus to those who order via my link. Trust me, This secret is going to shut all your friends up when you apply it. I am only offering this WoW super secret to the first couple of people who buy via my link because I don't want to have to keep sending them.

Click Here To Order And Get Your FREE Bonus!

Zygor guide

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